
1 year, 9 months ago


  • 54355306_WNdIGA4oWc4tIbc.jpg Ares 54355306_WNdIGA4oWc4tIbc.jpg


  • Name Ares !
  • Age 50 Thousand Years Old
  • Gender Male
  • Species Dire Wolf / HellHound

ARES IS ALSO LIKE 4 YEARS OLD & I GOT MOST OF THE ART ON AMINO SO LIKE- I’m sorry i couldn’t find credit ;-; I paid coins for most of it, I think only like 3 pieces are with money- 


  • Likes Seeking Justice For The Weak, Swords , Fire , Etc.
  • Dislikes Murderers And Genrally Bad People, Water , Cages.
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • Hobbies He Mainly Focuses On His Job, Which Is Killing His Targets Which Are Mainly Horrid People. Other Than That I Suppose He Enjoys Singing And Genral Weapons Training.
  • Skills He Is Trained In Sevral Martial Arts and Is Highly Skilled With Most Weapons. Although His Most Lethal Weapon Is His Sword , Fangs And Claws.


  • Height 5'3 In Feral Form (Aka; 4 Legs) 6'2 In Anthro Form (Aka; 2 Legs )
  • Their weight Unknown
  • Fur His Fur Is Mainly Jet Black Aside From His Red Accents.
  • Eye His Right Eye Is Blood Red And His Left Eye Is a Deep Purple.
  • His Curse. He was willingly cursed by Lucifer hmself. He agreed to be a Test subject for this curse, so other hellhounds may recive it. He recived the first draft of it basically. His curse mark resembles a dragon tattoo on his upper back area. The positive aspects of the curse is Immortality if you consider that positive anyways. He can heal from any Injury or Fatal Illness. Although he can still die if his body is too injured, for example chopping off his head. Though he will just revive, i will get to the negitive aspect of this in a second. The second postive is he gains the power of Hellfire. He can summon and control Hellfire at will, making him completly fireproof aswell. He also has the ability to shift into his Anthro Form although he perfers not to at times. Now, onto the negitive aspects. The purpose of this curse is to torment him as much as possible. This was unknown to Lucifer and Ares. It seems the darkness of it was hidden from them both. The first and main bad thing. Voices. He is cursed with horrid voices in his head, able to show him visons of terrible things. They whisper into his ear, casuing him to loose control particulary when his emotions run high. Like anger, fear, sadness, etc. The curse started with one voice. The more he "Dies" the more he gains. So, he will gain a few everytime he is killed. The second bad thing is he a prone to Non Lethal Posions. Example: Tranq Darts or Non Lethal Posions. His bodies job is simply to keep him alive. It will not heal these. Other means must be used to heal these types of illness. Overall eventually the Curses goal is to make him go insane.


Parental Hera; Mother Zeus; Father (Biological) Lucifer; Father Figure
Fang Lover
Brothers Hermes; Older , Apollo; Younger


Born in a forest, he lived with his father Zeus and mother Hera (not actual gods, just named after them) and his brothers. Hermès, his older brother, and Apollo, his younger one. Hermès was quite manipulative and tricky, but weak. Apollo‘s only skill that stood out was his tracking skills and sense of smell. His father and brothers were killed for fun; his mother was against it. Ares took after his mother and never killed anyone else for fun, only for food. One day his mother stood up against Zeus (now about 10) and his brothers; she was eventually beaten and killed by Zeus, then eaten alive by Zeus and his brothers. Eventually, Ares grows up a bit (he is now 15). His father gives him the task of killing the human tribe that lives near him, although Ares is secretly friends with them. When Ares refused, Zeus gave the order to his brothers to attack Ares. Hermès was the first to attack. Ares won the fight, killing Hermès, only leaving the fight with one or two minor wounds. Apollo was next to fight Ares, and Ares easily won with no extra wounds. Last was his father; after a gruesome battle, Ares won. Ares, now on the brink of death from wounds, collapses. Just as his soul was exiting his body, ready to enter heaven, a demon appeared. His soul stood in place. He explains to Ares that he had an offer. Instead of entering heaven, he could become a hellhound. The first hellhound He would live his life killing sinners when Lucifer decided it was their time to be killed. Just as he has done today. He would be able to save lives by dragging these sinners to hell, but in doing so, he would not be able to enter heaven. He would spend the rest of his immortal life doing this task. Ares accepted. He was then presented to Lucifer. Lucifer explains that this curse mark was a test. Since Ares would be the first of a new generation of Hellhounds in Hell, he would receive the first test mark of the curse that would give Hellhounds incredible power. There were not meant to be many side effects. At least not to anyone's knowledge. Ares accepted and was bestowed with his curse mark. After 10,000 years of training (now mentally 19), Ares was introduced to Fang. Fang is the second hellhound now. Soon, there would be an entire army of them. At first, Ares wasn't exactly fond of fang. In fact, he downright hated him. Though eventually he came to love Fang, they went on missions for years (30,000, now mentally 23). Ares was now the leader of a pack of a few dozen hellhounds. He sent everyone on missions to track down and drag sinners to their rightful place in hell. He continued doing this with a fang by his side. Although he finally expressed his feelings to Fang after a few more years, they got into a wonderful relationship. Eventually, the more Ares died on some of these missions, the more his voices from the curse grew, and they tormented him. Fang noticed and wanted to get out of the life of killing sinners to live in peace with Ares. Lucifer said he couldn’t allow it; they had both made a contract to be hellhounds forever. This was their choice. This is when Fang started a rebellion against Lucifer, unknown to Ares for some time. When Ares found out he wouldn’t join, he was wholeheartedly loyal to Lucifer for taking him in and giving him the life he has now. He didn't care if he went mad doing it. Ares protected Lucifer with his life. Eventually, one day, they get into an argument on a cliff about it; they get into a horrid fight. Fang attacks first, although he does not mean to kill Ares. Just take him down long enough so he can get to Lucifer. Ares voices influenced his anger when he was attacked. He sends Fang flying off the cliff onto a spike down below. It was a horrid mistake. Fang died on impact. Ares, enraged, kills almost all the hellhounds that had to do with the rebellion. Ares is absolutely destroyed by Fang's death; there was no greater pain he could face. Lucifer then banishes him temporarily for 10,000 years as punishment for killing half the Hellhounds without consulting him. It also served as a way to give him a break from hell, but it still punishes him in some way. He lives in a cabin for many years in solitude until eventually Flame approaches him in a bar one day, offering him a job to kill the tyrant Queen, Frost. He joins her and a few others on adventures. (Now mentally 25.) .

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