


2 years, 19 days ago


me trying desperately to remember the intricate details of the ocs i made up while trying to sleep last night

uhhh ok i think. hm. this is poodlestar (front, small), he's basically a nepo baby. his dad was the leader of the clan (what clan? idk i don't think i worked out that detail) and basically appointed him as deputy as soon as he could bc he wanted his son to lead the clan. poodlestar is an AWFUL leader. he has no idea what he's doing. he's meek, lazy, awkward and just overall very unfit to lead.

chestnutrose is poodles childhood bff. she's big, tough and ambitious. she always wanted to be leader. she follows poodlestar everywhere, trying to clean up after his mess. she gets very frustrated. she is fit to be leader.

and one day she just gets tired and kills him. after becoming leader, she gets haunted by him in her dreams. he basically just stares at her like (insert TBH here)

and sometimes says stuff like "bro i would've let u be leader if u just asked u didn't have to KILL me"

he's kinda chill about being murdered but chestnutstar is in constant guilt

he thinks haunting her is funny but it makes her feel so bad she can't see the humour in it

anyway yeah i fell asleep and some details got muddied probably but. sillyfunny cats