


6 years, 7 months ago


Dylan Benoîte 

- Gay transman, usually depicted as in his 20s

- 5'9" with a lithe physique and sharp features. Little to no muscle definition.

- Gray eyes, pointed nose

- Typically keeps his hair obsessively pruned, and is altogether quite vain and controlling about his physical appearance. 

- Tends to wear loose clothing, mainly linens. Does a lot of layering; form well over function, and sometimes either under- or over-dresses for the weather. Strong New England accent.

Personality Notes

- Bratty (in a very literal way, not a sexy way lmao), manipulative, naïve, and self-obsessed. Always looking for distractions, typically in the form of vice.

- Charming to the right crowd, studious-seeming, and flighty.

- He's really less of a person and more of his own OC/dress up doll. He's more convinced by the concept of himself (well to-do, poised, collected, intellectual, etc.) than his actual genuine inclinations, which leads those close to him to quickly tire of his poor but obsessive attempt at putting on a persona. In reality, he's a mess. His anxiety manifests as impatience, his insecurity as vanity, and his guilt as apathy. He leans into said misconstructions of himself because he strongly prefers the image of someone untouchable than what he perceives as a failure.

- Which isn't to say he doesn't constantly victimize himself anyway, and isn't above relatively cowardly acts as means to preserve himself/what he cares for. He basically creates worse problems for himself in order to avoid less-severe but more-personal issues.

- When put to the test, he can prove to be surprisingly scrappy, but that's rarely shown because in non-diplomatic situations he'll typically choose flight over fight.


Human/Modern: Comes from a large family that owns a fleet of fishing vessels in New Bedford, excessively wealthy as a result, though he has no connection to the business outside of a trust allowance he receives from it. His family is filled with secrets and care desperately about saving face, even at the cost of their own authenticity or humanity. As a result, he is trying to figure out how to break away from them without cutting himself off financially. 

Vampire: Similar to his modern human au, Dylan here comes from the same family dynamic, only they're from a long lineage of French aristocrats. He was turned in the 1800s as a part of a familial tradition he unwittingly became a part of. In this world, he usually lives alone or with a roommate who's also of the non-human variety, and sucks blood akin to a mosquito but isn't ever inclined to kill his victims.