Ennodius Nirelo (Silencer)




NAME: Ennodius Nirelo
AGE: 32
RACE: half Imperial half Nord*
BIRTHDAY: 1st of Last Seed, around 3E 400
BIRTH SIGN: The Warrior
PRONOUNS: he/him
SEXUALITY: ???, polyamorous
HEIGHT: 6’4”
PERSONALITY: brooding, quiet, and a bit of a lapdog. he needs a purpose, something to follow, to devote his efforts to. in the beginning of his story it is Lord Dagon, but after the Hero of Kvatch slays him, it is Sithis and the Night Mother (and more directly, Lucien)
WEAPON OF CHOICE: ebony longsword, shield, shock spells, conjure skeleton (battlemage)
AFFILIATION(S): Mythic Dawn (former), Dark Brotherhood

- *his mother is the Nord, and she died during childbirth
- he was raised in Bruma, where his dad was a local priest of Talos
-  joined the Mythic Dawn cult in his 20s and resided in the hideout north of Cheydinhal
- left the cult after the Hero of Kvatch killed Mankar Cameron. He escaped the hideout and found The Dark Brotherhood
- carries out The Purification for Lucien Lachance, albeit begrugingly, as he had become friendly with those at the Cheydinhal sanctuary.
- Lucien doesn’t die in his timeline tho; they don’t do the bullshit note passing so the traitor doesn’t have a chance to fudge things. They catch him and Ennodius takes his place as Speaker, Ungolim remaining Listener. 

- Post Oblivion Crisis, Martin and Lucien are reunited and the three of them along with Falneri form a polycule.