Falneri Ferethril (HOK)



8 months, 1 day ago


NAME: Falneri “Neri” Ferethril
AGE: early 30s
RACE: Dunmer
BIRTHDAY: 11th of Evening Star
PRONOUNS: she/they
SEXUALITY: bisexual & polyamorous
HEIGHT: 5’8”
PERSONALITY: blunt, not great with people. always says what’s on her mind and doesn’t much care if she offends anyone. she can be incredibly selfish and does most things for her own gain. she’s loud and very forward. loves very hard but sometimes has a funny way of showing it
WEAPON OF CHOICE: destruction magic, conjuration magic. daggers or one handed short sword as backup
AFFILIATION(S): Cult of Sanguine (former)


-grew up in Chorrol, where her family owns an estate (Arborwatch)
- joined a cult of sanguine in her early 20s (This is where she first meets Martin Septim). She left the cult, growing bored and seeking other adventures.
- They end up in the Imperial City after striking out on their own, and she makes money by doing random odd jobs as well as fighting in the Arena battles. She rents a small room in a local tavern during this time and LOVES it
- She is arrested in the Imperial City after caught she defends a starving child who was caught by the guards stealing an apple. The guard says some shit about how "street urchins deserve to die before they grow up to be full blown beggars" and Falneri promptly punches said guard in the face. When she's in the Imperial Prison, cue the beginning of Oblivion
- her family was originally in House Hlaalu, but upon moving to Chorrol, where the Morrowind Great Houses obviously don't have much bearing, they're simply nobles now. Her mother is a renowned painter so they still have a decent amount of income from that
- Kovaus's cousin

- Post Oblivion Crisis, Martin reunites with Lucien and they all form a polycule. She apologizes to Ennodius for what had happened, and after explaining more of the story he understands that it was a necessary sacrifice to save Mundus. They are tentative friends, but Ennodius still has a lot of trauma from the event and doesn’t feel entirely comfortable around Falneri.