Brandon Oscar Kerrimalkii



6 years, 4 months ago


Name: Brandon Oscar Kerrimalkii

Nickname: Brandy, Bran, Tough guy

Gender: Male

DOB: February 1st

Zodiac: Fruvelus

Age: 24

Height: 6'11 ft

Weight: 15.1 stone

Build: Tallish and muscular

Element: Water (Interalised)

Class: Healer/Scout

Location: Keriik Village

Occupation: Surfer

Weapon(s): His surfboard

Relationship Status: Courting

Personality: Brandon is a relaxed guy, often calm and not too bothered by others. While others are worried out of their minds, he's normally relaxing and drinking out of a peerucan. However, despite being calm he does have a lot of bravery within him and is always willing to risk himself to protect or save others. He's very honest towards his friends, telling them his frank opinion. Yet to strangers, he doesn't like to upset them, sometimes being dishonest if he doesn't know they can take the truth or not. He's also very competitive when it's something he cares about.


In Reshega, Brandon used to long to see natural waves. Not the ones made by Demons or boats. He wanted to be a professional surfer for a living, but there was no such job in Reshega.

Like many of the children, Brandon was kidnapped by Aktin's forces as a child and brought to Esilis. He was calm enough to remain in the cache he was in until the fighting stopped. 

For a few years he lived in Entrulus but seeing the dock he longed for the sea. He soon attempted to head to Keriik Village which he heard had a wonderful beach with amazing waves. He tried to cross the desert but was attacked at Traveller's Isthmus and knocked out, all of his items but his lucky charm being stolen. Luckily (and coincidentally), he was dropped off in a small settlement by the water where he was taken to Keriik Village by a kind trader. 

 Currently, he lives in Keriik Village in a small hut and modifies his surfboard to compete against his good friends in surfing contests as well as saving drowning creatures.



- Hates seaweed, even if it's dried.

- Loves chilled drinks. 

- Has a good-luck charm given to him by his dad that he always wears.