
1 year, 9 months ago


Name: Roxy

Pronounces: She/Her

Breed: Crystalicorn (closed breed on ig)

Roxy is little curious mare who adores crystals (she is so obsessesed with them). Since she loves crystals so much, she often visits caves in which she can find them. Crystalicorns use their powers to rebuild damaged habits so Roxy mostly helps with that in caves (they can destroy due to natural causes or even by human activities). She's not afraid of all creppy bugs or bats, she's used to them. While exploring caves, CRYSTAL caves, she only picks "the prettiest ones" (even though all of them are so gorgeous, but that's just her). Where does she keep her crystal collection? Well, she doesn't want to reveal (can't blame her though). Roxy loves to spend time with Leo, stallion from her species. Even though she can be weird from time to time, Leo perfectly understands her. They're BFFs. 

Roxy can get lost in her mind, she loves imaginating things, little daydreamer. She is trying her best when meeting new horses, because many think she's weird. But most important thing - she never feared show her truself: happy, talkative and a good listener.