Jessie Harris



1 year, 9 months ago


Jessie Harris

"That is SUCH a cop out answer! Tell me!"
Age: 20
height: 5'7
build: Slim
gender: Male
pronouns: He/Him








Jessie enjoys pranking and making jokes at people, even when others don't understand they're on the recieving end of a prank. While larger problems don't phase Jessie that much, they can get really annoyed over small petty things very easily.
Being a ghost, Jessie has forgotten about things that might upset living people.


Jessie is a ghost that died in a car accident after driving down a road too fast and losing control. They bled to death from their injuries, and the last thing they vaguely remember is an orange astronaut because the situation was so weird.
Jessie reawoke as a ghost to find that their car and body were gone, along with the spaceman they had seen. Being unable to leave the location, Jessie grew extremely bored and began to cause car accidents when they had the strength to. He was stuck at the location of his death for 6 years, until Jesse appeared.
As a Poltergeist, Jessie has the ability to pick up and throw inanimate objects, create noises such as knocking, rapping, or even human voices; and can cause petty physical attacks on human beings, such as pinching and hitting. Jessie is able to is able to move through solid objects with ease. Living beings will sense a cold chill if Jessie passes through them. Jessie can disrupt electronic signals, causing cell phones and other electrical appliances to work erratically, or fail completely. The more strength Jessie possesses, the more the temperature drops.



Car Accidents





  • Jessie is strongest around the time they died (late at night) and actively causes car crashes around that time. They are proud of how many people they managed to veer off the road. Maybe if he was alive they’d feel bad but he isn't and he doesn't. (When Jesse goes to investigate the area, Jessie would crash their car too)
  • He claims to have caused 69 car crashes (but if you tell him he technically caused 70 if you include his own car crash, Jessie will get really annoyed and sulk, probably knock a couple of things over)
  • Jessie isn’t too bothered by Jesse taking his place, since it’s better than seeing their parents sad that he's dead. He is more bothered at Jesse making him look weird and/or uncool.
  • Jessie calls Jesse “spaceman” because that was the last thing they remember seeing, and Jesse avoids telling them their actual name.
  • As a ghost, Jessie is always missing a shoe. The severity of their injuries fluctuates depending on how he's at peace with himself.