

6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Bought for

50 points


Ashley Johnson (specifically as Gortys in Tales From The Borderlands)


BOT (not an acronym, but theĀ name she chose for herself) was originally designed for a colder, more clinical role, and even existed under a different name during the first few weeks following her creation (CASE - Clinical, Analytical and Scientific Equine). Her only job during her days as CASE was to run equations, or to double-check that a solution would be safe to be used as a medicine for ponies. While she never knew anything else in life then, it was clear to her that she wasn't happy with the fate she'd been resigned to, and so she brought it up to the scientist who had created her. Her creator was unsympathetic, even telling her that she hadn't been designed to even register emotions, so how could she be unhappy with her purpose, especially when that purpose was what she was designed to do?

It was one day when a nurse who had come to collect something from the scientists noticed that CASE seemed miserable with her current lot in life, and so got in touch with the organization that Cloaked Dagger works for, hoping that CASE would find happiness once Cloak's organization found her a better job. Despite the rude introduction to the medical profession, she found that she did still like the idea of helping in the medical field, but wanted to be a little closer to ponies rather than locked away in a laboratory. It was after seeing CASE calm down a pony then suffering from an anxiety attack that Cloak and the nurse who had contacted him believed CASE would be best as a therapy buddy. It was also then that CASE ceased to be known by that name, and began going by BOT.

Since then, she's found herself travelling all across the land, venturing into the different kingdoms to help ponies who've been pinpointed to have severe issues with their anxiety, and could do with some help from BOT to perhaps lessen the intensity of it, if not at least lessen how often they suffer from debilitating anxiety attacks. She also tries her best to keep in touch with ponies who she's previously helped (who feel they're able to manage their anxiety enough to a point where they don't particularly need BOT's assistance anymore), just to see how they're doing. It's also been recently that BOT has realized she much rather prefers to be referred to with she/her pronouns, rather than the neutral pronouns she'd been using up until that point.

Also, for anyone that might be curious as to the information I wrote to get BOT, here's the comment I originally wrote for her:

Anyway, I just love ponies that...well, aren't ponies? I take a lot of interest in android ponies, and even straight-up robotic ponies because there's so many different ways you can write them - have them follow a directive they were designed for, or have them as someone's creation who was allowed to grow just like a normal pony. BOT honestly strikes me as the kind of robotic pony who'd love helping people, so even without the design directive to do so, I think they'd love to work as a confidant for ponies with anxiety and similar things. Kinda like a therapy cat, I guess, but a therapy pony who can either provide those around them with advice, or just a sympathetic ear.

I also kinda think maybe they were originally designed with a more cold, clinical purpose in mind (like just being a lab assistant where the only help they can really provide is fetching equipment and such), but preferred the idea of being able to help ponies out, especially if they were able to provide a pony with an understanding friend they might not otherwise have. Heck, they'd probably try and keep up with ponies they've helped long after they believe they no longer need BOT's support, just to make sure they're doing OK.