Mr & Mrs Amber (Mrs Amber)



1 year, 9 months ago


Mrs. Amber


GenderCis, female


Age39 at time of death

BirthdayApril 7


Mrs Amber is a bubbly, extroverted cat who always tries to see the bright side of things whenever possible. She is married to Mr Amber and has two kids, being Beth Amber and Ariel Amber. She adores the family she has, saying its one the best thing to ever happen to her. She strives to give her daughters a life full of happiness, liking to have a softer way of diciplining her children. Being around others is when she shows her true colorful self. She is a very lively soul, bringing joy to any group she find herself in.

Other people looking at Mrs and Mr Amber's relationship find the contrast between their personalities to be jarring. The liveliness of Mrs Amber and the shyness of Mr Amber, makes them look like polar opposites, but its that difference that makes the two feel like they were meant to be. Around each other they feel like they can relax, Mr Amber feeling comfortable to talk without judgement and Mrs Amber feeling like she can rest and not have to be the energy source of the group. The two balance each other out in their own ways, and to them it was meant to be.

When the tragedy hit, Mrs Amber was hit hard. The husband she loved dearly was gone. Everything felt unreal, the only link to the world being the kids her husband left behind.