Kyoka / Odharnait



6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Human name


Real name

Odharnait (pronounced: órnet)





Sexual orientation


Age / Appearance

unknown (appears 13/14)


IMPORTANT! THIS CHARACTER HAS A VERY SLIM BUILD AND APPEARS TO BE A YOUNG TEEN. Odharnait is a mythical dragon entity that doesnt remember her past due to several injuries done by humans who feared her and attacked her when sleeping for a thousand years. She has three dragon sisters: Saoirse, Caoimhe and Diarmuid. The four of them live to bring balance to the world; they sleep until the world has come to chaos and when waken up, they destroy everything and then go back to sleep. Since Odharnait was attacked when summoned, balance broke and forced the other dragons to wake up. Odharnait had forgotten her past, her powers and task by then.

Odharnait, now re-named Kyoka, is forced by the same human forces that captured her to fight these entities she doesn't have memories of. ----- ----- VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY OLD ART and VERY VERY VERY LONG STORY According to Eovirion's ancient legends, now reduced to mere fairytales, four Dragon Goddesses mantain peace and equilibrium in this world. These four Goddesses -Diarmuid, Saoirse, Caoimhe and Odharnait- are never judgemental. They follow a never ending cicle: they sleep and sleep during thousands of thousands of generations until disorder and chaos inevitably take over Eovirion, because that's just how life is, only to wake and wipe out everything. Every kingdom, every town, even the biggest of Empires disappear, giving life the opportunity to develop itself again. All this situation comes to an end when humans find and try to kill the long forgotten Goddess Odharnait, awaking her instead. The Battle between human armies and Odharnait lasts exactly for 12 days and countless lives are lost. But Odharnait, already in a weakened state because of her lack of rest (after all, it wasnt her time to wake) is finally defeated and imprisoned for centuries in a long forgotten dungeon, away from people but heavily watched over. At this point, no one knows about this, but Odharnait's awakening has broken equilibrium in Eovirion, causing her slumbering sisters to slowly wake... to prematurely end this cycle. Kyoka wakes up not knowing who she is or where she comes from. The only thing she's fully aware of is that she's being held captive for no real reason and people hate and fear her in equal amounts. But it doesn't take long before huge tremors and colossal disasters shake Eovirion... and three enormous otherwordly beings emerge from within the planet searching for their sister. Kyoka is then forced to fight against this monstruous beings... not knowing they're looking for her.