
6 years, 3 months ago


Iberis Amberheart

hothead impulsive determined


"People are like flames. They spark some curiosity in you, but in no time hurt you, and soon after, extinguish and turn into something unneeded. Welcome to life."

Nameiberis fey von goldquill amberheart I
Calledione or ibe
Age25D.o.B.october 11th, 200 Before Creation
Height5'4"Buildhourglass, curvy, not that skinny
Demeanorintroverted, a bit standoff-ishStylemonk-like stuff, and bellydancer-like stuff.
RacekamiliunOrigindeinheir, kingdom of scarlet.


Motivationfamily, sister, the fact that there's a lot more in this world to discover.GoalsFind true love, beat the shit out of her enemies, unlock her full potential.
Dispositioncalm most times, but hotheaded when around specific stuff.Outlookmaaajor pessimist for a lot of things. almost all things.
  • sister
  • fire
  • fighting
  • nature
  • crowds
  • loud shit
  • small spaces
  • heartbreak


Charisma Kindess    
Temper Patience  
Intelligence Judgment
Integrity      Confidence
Maturity     Humour       


7582669_FnCiZG3xHpOw5Je.pngIberis (known as Ione or "Ione the Beautiful) is a tomboy kamiliun with more issues than an average person. Although her beauty shines brighter than no other, she's been basically a shut-in for her entire life, and has never seen another person other than her mother, father and twin sister her whole life. The day she finally went out was one of the most terrifying experiences for her. So, she's a beautiful introverted hothead who loathes most people, dresses, etc., and forgets a lot of the time that she can shapeshift (meaning she's naturally beautiful). She enjoys listening to music, singing, and doing things that don't always tend to involve people.

Her normal form is a beautiful kitsune with 3 tails, a pair of fox ears, a coral pixie cut, and beautiful caramel eyes. She usually wears a small veil covering her face (but not masking it), as well as a belly dancer outfit, or just clothes that a person would wear in a desert land. her eyes change colors to her mood, and she usually wears a beautiful coral choker around her neck.


Arc One

Iberis for the first time shows her face to the public, and people go BERSERK, calling her "Ione the Beautiful". After the Royal Banquet she attends, she sets out with a group of other smaller royals to help all the kingdoms in the problems they have. Here, she discovers romance and love, and wishes that someday she'll have something like that too. After a while, her, her twin sister and her party help a powerful dragon, the dragon of Ire, which grants Ione something she never dreamed she'd get; the favor of a god, in the form of sharing her body with her.

Arc Two

After that adventure, the party sets out again. They encounter the ruins of a kingdom 

Arc Three

Aenean vitae condimentum lectus. Mauris vitae aliquet augue. Nullam cursus consequat neque, nec sodales lectus rhoncus eu. Nulla laoreet et metus sed ornare. Sed vitae justo tristique, efficitur ligula tincidunt, vehicula arcu. Nulla in ullamcorper eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque sit amet tincidunt lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce vitae congue justo. Fusce dignissim, dolor non blandit congue, lorem dolor tempus purus, vitae eleifend nulla nibh id nulla. Phasellus lobortis vehicula cursus. Nulla pretium diam eu neque luctus rutrum eleifend eget justo.


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Sin7 deadly sinsVirtue7 heavenly virtues
