


1 year, 9 months ago


Cause despite it all, we remain. But that doesn’t mean we stay the same.
Name Swanrose

Former Names Swankit

Gender AFAB Agender (They/Them)

Orientation Bisexual Polyamorous

Mentor Heronstar

Rank Monarch

Residence Marshclan


Swanrose is a small, white chubby cat with some small brown patches on their tail and face. They are only a bit bigger than an average apprentice, and most of their bulk is made up of fluff. They can be a bit clumsy and are absolutely horrible at fighting, but hunting and navigation is actually a strength for them. They have bright green eyes, and brown markings under them that makes them look permanently tired.

Since they were an apprentice they've had a knack for collecting and decorating. They love to explore the territory on their own and find feathers and flowers to bring back and give to friends and loved ones. It's not uncommon for Swanrose to decorate nests and dens after wandering off all day.

Design notes
  • While most accessories are optional for Swanrose, and can be swapped for other flowers, bug parts, etc... the butterfly wing behind their ear is a constant, and is not changeable. It is a Painted Lady Butterfly, not a monarch.
  • Underneath the white markings, Swanrose is a brown tabby like their mother!

Swanrose is a goofy, kind, and curious monarch. They have always enjoyed exploring and collecting trinkets, even since apprenticehood. They were pushed to do so safely, and so nowadays Swanrose has a habit of collecting flowers, bug wings, or other plants and decorating both the nursery and their friend’s nests with them. Swanrose is never seen without them.

Swanrose is very fond of kittens, as one would expect of a permanent monarch. They love to play with kittens, tell stories, and supervise them when their parents are busy. Swanrose is just as kind to other monarchs, often helping out new ones with the knowledge they’ve learned from their past litters, or just giving them a break from the kittens to sleep. Swanrose loves to make friends!

Despite being so friendly, Swanrose can be very standoffish when depressed, something they try not to show. They have a bit of an impulsivity issue as well, which is a small part of why they eventually decided to bow out of being a warrior, among many other reasons. Strangely, Swanrose can be weirdly rebellious. They don't care much for rules and don't care for punishment for breaking them, but will follow them as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or their feelings.

  • Their Clanmates
  • Flowers
  • Swimming
  • Fighting
  • Vinepath
  • Fish


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Born to a queen named Pigeonpetal, Swankit was born with a twin brother, Plumkit. The two were inseperable since birth, always playing together and never seen without the other. Never having an obvious father, both Swankit and Plumkit were suspected to be half-clan, but Pigeonpetal never confirmed nor denied any suspicions. It never seemed to bother either kitten, who didn't seem to even care about a father.

During their time in the nursery, Swankit became friends with another kitten named Everkit. Their friendship continued into apprenticeship, when Swanpaw was given to Herondive. Herondive and Swanpaw got along amazingly, though Herondive had to work hard to teach Swanpaw patience and restraint, as the kitten was too excited to run around and collect flowers, getting themselves into trouble quite a few times.

3 moons into being apprentices, Plumpaw feel ill. Swanpaw was distraught, and stopped attending training sessions to stay by their brother. Plumpaw continued to deteriorate, and eventually died. Swanpaw was devastated. They refused to train at all, just staying in the apprentice den all day and avoiding everyone. To their surprise, another apprentice named Cricketpaw began to spend a lot of time trying to cheer them up. It actually seemed to work, and Swanpaw began to train again with the encouragement of Cricketpaw, Everpaw, and Herondive.

Everpaw soon came out to Swanpaw as not identifying with any gender. Swanpaw, who had always known they were nonbinary, happily accepted Everpaw, encouraging her to be open about her identity. The two continued to be close friends.

Vinepath, a tom who had designs on becoming deputy and a grudge against Herondive, began to coax Swanpaw into sparing with his apprentice, Darkpaw. Swanpaw didn't like rivalries, and didn't like having to fight poor Darkpaw, so they began to comply but would always let Darkpaw win. Unsure how to help Darkpaw, Swanpaw tried to become his friend, but slowly realized they were rivals of some kind. That was alright. If Darkpaw needed to win to appease Vinepath, Swanpaw could certainly help him then.

Soon enough, Swanpaw was given the warrior name Swanrose. Cricketpaw was given the name Cricketdance. The two continued to gravitate towards each other, until Cricketdance offered Swanrose a butterfly wing and asked to be their mate. Swanrose happily accepted, and the two were ever more inseperable. It didn't take long for Swanrose to have their first litter; Duckkit, Whisperkit, and Plumkit.

While their first litter was in the nursery, Herondive was made the deputy, and soon after Vinepath was exiled for trying to kill him. Worried about his only kitten, Mosquitokit, Swanrose began to dote on them to try to help them cope. Soon enough, Swanrose was a warrior once more, her litter being made apprentices.

But it didn't feel right. Swanrose didn't like having to fight others, didn't like hunting that much. Any cat they had to hurt only made them feel like Vinepath was still controlling them somehow, like they were still a pawn for him to use to hurt Darkpaw. They also just found being a monarch more fulfilling. Once Darkwind disappeared, Swanrose decided to permanently become a monarch.

Moons went on and Swanrose had another litter; Silverkit and Harborkit. They were ecstatic when Silverpaw was given to Everglow, their childhood friend. Harborpaw was given to Sootmask, Darkwind's mother. Darkwind soon returned, and while they planned to speak to him eventually, the storms stopped any plans they had. Heronstar was killed, alongside Cricketdance and Silverpaw. Everything felt wrong.

Now, Swanrose is slowly trying to pick up the pieces of their life, mainly holding it together for Harborpaw, who is clearly lost without her brother and father.


  • Prefix (Swan) — a large waterbird with a long flexible neck, short legs, webbed feet, a broad bill, and typically all-white plumage. named this for their white fur.
  • Suffix (-rose) — a prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant flowers, native to north temperate regions. given the suffix as representation of their love of collecting, especially flowers, and their gentle demeanor.

Relation, †

Your character's thoughts of this character. Can be in character or not.

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