AWANATA nickname wanwan



1 year, 9 months ago


Base by Possxm 

Design by Fae

Worth: priceless

Inspired by SCP-323 ♥♥

Wanwan is a silky furred doe with piercing glowing eyes.

The Not Deer is described as looking like a deer from a distance but as one looks at it longer or gets closer something about it is off. Their movements are described as being like a new born deer but appearing as an adult. Some accounts suggest the creature is double jointed or has additional joints in its limbs. The limbs are described as longer than those of a deer and the chest very barrel like. The way it moves is said to be aggressive compared to that of a deer. The most defining feature however is that Not Deers do not have eyes on the side of their head but rather the front, like a predator. This distinction is usually the first thing noticed as off. A few accounts involve multiple eyes though most do not. Other uncommon outliers to the typical account involve describing the head as bovine.

Not Deers are said to not be afraid of Humans. Those who encounter them say they have an uneasy feeling that there is an intelligence and emotion about them that furthers the feeling that something is off. The Not Deer will generally approach Humans and it's because of this that the odd movements are noted. Despite encountees feeling off the creature has only been reported to attack if provoked such as when an encountee tries to scare them off. Some accounts of such involve being chased up a tree by the Not Deer. The Not Deer may walk on its hind legs for a bit, as some animals may do, in order to intimidate or in attempts to reach individuals who are chased up trees.