Ursula, Major&Minor-The Folk



1 year, 9 months ago


Ursula-Folk Nomad, Primal Hag expert. Two pet bears, major and minor

Pair of large claws and a hood similar to brambles Ursulas a Folk untamed, who's been about a long time. The bears that accompany her must be hundreds of years old by now, but if theyre Taxidermy nobody ever caught on. She has blonde curled hair poking out beneath a hat that bears a striking similarity to the bears that accompany her. Her arms up to the forearm resemble bear paws. Long and very large claws hang from them, potent tools for climbing, digging, mauling. Theyre not the best for things like woodcrafting, but theyre perfect for leaving thick, recognisable marks in tree trunks.

She's got a rather animalistic way of thinking, and will big herself up and make noise to try and scare away threats. Anything that doesnt take the hint is up for a mauling, they'll just spit the eyes out later.

Major appears to be large and Grizzly bear like, towering over Ursula but waiting for her to act first. With a very thick hide for shrugging off impacts, and thick claws. not as potent as Ursulas, Major relies on their exceptional bulk to put weight behind their swings instead. Claw size doesnt matter when you can crush them under your weight then chew their head off after all. They've developed a taste for nightsap over the years, and if left to it will devour a hag, eyes and all. Atleast Ursula taught them to spit the eyes out afterwards.

Minor is a smaller bear, shorter than Ursula. Their claws are small, but a lot more dextrous, able to manipulate things with precision instead of smashing them to pieces. Minors probably the smart(est) one in the group, and knows to stay out of the way when the fighting starts. Minor is the best climber in the group, getting into hard to reach spots and using their brains to compensate for the lack of brawn. Theyre excellent at causing distractions while the other two move in for the kill, and are the loudest of the three, able to echo a roar through the forest thatd scare off just about anything, if theyre not spotted atleast. Luckily majors much more intimidating figure is ideal for hiding behind, and making any spectators shit bricks.

Ursulas a Nomad. Her and her bears are left to explore Folk territory on foot, searching for any resources that could be considered valuable for trade or procurement. Shes been spotted plenty of times, but people tend to run away or play dead when they see a family of bears arrive and start going through all their stuff. The trio have excellent senses of smell, able to sniff out nearby threats, resources, fairy rings, if the wind isnt too harsh they could navigate off it alone. When they find a new place of interest, they'll carve easy to recall symbols into the wood, along with an insignia of 3 bears faces. On the occasions where they return back to a Forage, Ursula makes it a habit to get a nearby Fairies attention, and bring em on a tour through all the rings theyve found, willingly or not. Its a tight fit, but the bears never leave each others sight, so whoevers dragged along has to be small. They rarely use the rings outside of this, but are capable of travelling at exceptional speeds throughout forests, ducking effortlessly between trees and tripping hazards.