


1 year, 9 months ago



Pokémon OC of Atomic-417, a character from the artist's series of stories "Pokémon: Broken Souls"

Isabel is a peculiar gyaru Braixen, with a very tragic and sad past. Despite that, she's caring, compassionate, and treats everyone with respect.

Her past:

Isabel was raised by her master, Professor Hoskins, a scholar who taught at the local academy. Treating Isabel as a daughter, he shared with her all the knowledge he had and the Braixen became his aidé. Unfortunately, Hoskins was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and Isabel stood by his side until the very end. Witnessing that horrible disease suck the life and happiness of her father figure little by little, the trauma proved too much for Isabel, who ran away from home after the Professor’s relatives inherited it and the rest of his Pokémon. Alone, with nowhere to go, and full of grief, she quickly planned what she would do to survive. She comprehended the behavior of humans and knew there existed people who were willing to pay for company and love of Pokémon, an activity called "compensated dating".

Time would pass, with her working as a “rental lover”, when she met Salvador, the human, out of coincidence. She proposed to him and he gently rejected her, but feeling compassion for the disgraced Braixen after this one told him the bad day she was having, he paid for her food, lodging, and went his way. Isabel fell enamored for his kindness and desired to meet him again, so she started to search for him until he found him.

After spending time with Salvador and the rest of the girls, Isabel started to change for the better. She stopped dating people for money, and tried to reconnect with her relatives.

White wedding:

She never stopped loving Salvador, and even had some dates with him, but when the Gardevoir Soledadasked him to marry her, she felt her heart breaking. She didn’t wanted to lose him, so on the very day of their wedding, she interrupted the ceremony to tell the human what she really felt for him.

After a heartfelt moment, Soledad convinced her groom to accept Isabel in their new marriage, and admitted the Braixen deserved a happy ending more than she did. The young man then married them both, part of his promise to do anything to make them happy.

They spent their honeymoon vacation in the Alola region.