

1 year, 9 months ago


a chilled-out octoling and splatsville's favorite record shop worker. "Chilled out" enough to be sleeping on the job constantly

customers favour him for his lax nature on giving away discounts or straight-up freebies; only problem is youll probably have to hit the desk a few times to get him up and going (and his obnoxious on-and-off humming to whatever song's playing in the store)

When he's awake he has a smile on his face and fingers constantly drumming on the register. He's not much of a talker unless spoken to, but he's a pretty favourable listener (if you don't need long responses)

Big interest in all things "vintage", but especially older music and arcade games (he sets up a few in-store BIG HIT with squids) and able to sell off-the-record, if you know what to ask. Much more stingy with prices of his personal items though -_-

HUGE TABLETURF FAN #TABLETURF Plays it with customers on the job!!!!!

He's only really seen in-store or the occasional turf war. No one really knows where he lives, or where he is at nightThis is code for i'll be tying him into the splat3 octarian army when i have more informationĀ 

dualies main he likes flippin about but he also likes snoozing in the nooks and crannies of the mapšŸ’¤