Lavaar Ari



6 years, 4 months ago


Lavaar AriĀ hot boy/ spicy boy

Name Lavaar Ari
Age 32
Gender male/male presenting
Race Fire Genasi
Height 5'8"
Build Lean; Muscular
Class Warlock
Alignment True Neutral

What is the point of magic, if you can't be dramatic...?

Stepping out of the darkness, a pair of pinpricks of light, burning brighter than the sun. Lips part; a disembodied smile. Teeth backlit in fiery orange. Fluttering of a cape, dark skin like charcoal. He dips his head, thick braids of coarse hair, dotted in golden beads, detailed in filagree, as he bowed. Coming into view, you can spot those boyish dimples and bedroom eyes. A mishmash of mischievous standoffishness and burning curiosity. A manicured hand placed on his chest as a smooth voice with a thick accent introduces himself. "Greetings, my name is Lavaar and it is entirely your pleasure."


  • Passionate
  • Charismatic
  • Quick-witted
  • Selfish
  • Brash
  • Dramatic

There are many things to know about Lavaar, the most important being he is many things, however, easily impressed is not one of them. He is materialistic, enjoying the finer things in life. Good wine, good food, good sex. He steals anything that isn't nailed down and has no problem scavenging off corpses, whether he attributed to their change in life status or not. He is usually not one to latch onto groups, preferring to get to know a person one on one, to challenge them to keep up with him,though, if one can prove that, he is immediately enraptured. A passionate man that falls in love easily and often, he is willing to do almost anything to protect and defend his lovers.


Born in the elemental plane of fire, Lavaar is from a large family. The 9th child out of 14 children, he often used his family's large size to get lost in. Any time he got in trouble he would suddenly disappear into the background of his siblings, otherwise, he demanded to be the center of attention. By compliments or insults dressed up as jokes, he did anything to become memorable to the people around him.
As he grew up, he had little interest in schooling or taking up the business of either of his parents. His mother was a fine jewelry smither and his father was an acolyte to the fire elementals that roamed the wastes of the elemental plane of fire. Instead, Lavaar looked for the easily shortcut through life that he could find, stars in his eyes and a lust for a life greater than what he had. First thing he did was locate a large fire elemental and pledge himself to it, making a pact to become a warlock. He decided to move to the Prime plane despite his mother's warning of the dangers out there.
He was only 15 when he paid his way (with stolen money) onto a caravan that was planshifting onto the prime plane. Once there, he set out trynig to use his looks and charm to make his way through life. For several years he lived as an oddity among a small group of nobles in a port city as Fire Genasii are rarely scene outside the desert on the Prime plane. He was lavished with gift but soon grew bored of performing the same routine to a rotating circus of people.
At some point, a group he was traveling with was attacked by a mercenary group. Most were killed int he onslaught but Lavaar was by no means willing to die for the cargo and quickly switched side during the melee. The mercenary group, a group called Hawkfeather, saw potential in having another spell caster and brought him on. Years passed with Lavaar enjoying his new roguish lifestyle.
Some years later, Lavaar was contracted to work as a contact for a small band of mercenaries from a far branch of Hawkfeather to handle an internal investigation. Once of their own had recently stolen Hawkfeather property was had killed their entire team to get it. Lavaar was met by the group and went after the target, managing to grab the item from the target for mere seconds before the target killed him with a swing of a greatax. Lavaar erupted in flames and was killed.
Seeing as he did not die on the Elemental plane of Fire, he was no longer immortal and was instead sent to the Eternal Sea, the domain of the Matron of the Ravens. When faced with his own mortality and the threat of no longer existing, Lavaar broke his pact to the Fire Elemental and made a deal with the Raven Queen: He would not pass on through the mirror if he worked for her, collecting lost souls and destroying those who believed themselves above the natural order, namely necromancers and liches.
Lavaar is unsure how he sold the idea to the Raven Queen but she accepted and inducted him into a small force of warriors under her guidance. He was gifted several boons, namely the ability to move back and forth between the land of the living and the sea of the dead. He was sent back onto the Prime plane to work.

Skills & Abilities

Common, Primordial, Ignian, Marqusian

Armor and Weapons
Light armor; Simple weapons


Has a good eye for real jewelry

Character Stats







Saving Throws













More Stats

AC: 15
HP: 93


  • The Gift of Resistance: Starting at first level, the Raven Queen gifts you the resistance against all cold and necrotic damage done by magic or melee weapons.
  • Thirsting Blade:You can Attack with your pact weapon twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn.
  • Familiar:Starting at the 1st level, you gain the service of a spirit sent by the Raven Queen to watch over you. The spirit assumes the form and game statistics of a raven, and it always obeys your commands, which you can give telepathically while it is within 100 feet of you.
  • Raven Queen's Blessing:When you score a critical hit with Eldritch Blast, pick yourself or an ally within 30 feet of you. The tart immediately expends 1 hit dice + CON modifier of regained health.
  • Raven Queen's Shield:The Raven Queen grants you a blessing, giving you advantage on death saving throws, immunity to being frightened and resistance to necrotic damage.




Girlfriend/sugar mama
