🍄 | celdia



1 year, 10 months ago


celdia “cece” | he/she/they/it | genderfluid enbian | alternatively, in warrior cats form: cecropia’dance

based on cecropia moths

celdia is generally a positive, upbeat type of person who has a pretty good reputation with others. they are sweet and those who just barely know them believe them to be innocent. however, celdia has a side to him that’s extremely violent and destructive; when made upset, he’s quick to resort to fighting, and with his skill at it he can be very dangerous. those who have witnessed this at least once, or even have just heard about its temper, tend to avoid it. she kind of has a resting bitch face despite her mostly positive attitude, but despite this and her violence, she’s still mostly well-liked and most people don’t know she can be kind of terrifying. they sometimes say some pretty concerning things.

he has two siblings, diana (luna’gaze) and valerian (atlas’watcher). none of the three of them get along at all and they really kind of hate each other- they’re constantly fighting and trying to get ahead of each other in any ways possible. celdia would kill for her siblings nonetheless and doesn’t tolerate anyone besides herself hurting them in any way; in the end they do love each other, just… really deep down.