Cait Vanduo



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Current Name

Cait Vanduo

Birth Name

淑濂 (Shū Lián)


The Wandering Vampire


Vampire (formerly human)




2m / 6' 6.7"


92kg / 202lbs 13.2oz



Age (Birthday)

Chronologically early 600s, physically mid-30s (born on September 3rd)

Nationality (Birthplace)

French (born in Shāzhōu, Ming Dynasty China (present-day Dūnhuáng, China))

Sexual Orientation



Travelling, mountains, strawberries, garlic, sweet onions, giraffes, edelweiss


Silver, religion, shallots, people wearing yellow, her singing voice, tattoos


Cheerful, generous, bashful, vain, overconfident


Aquamancy, aeromancy, cryomancy, arcanic erebomancy, superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman stamina, therianthropy


Crystalline, high-volume, melodious alto voice with a slight Chinese-French accent


  • Turned to vampirism willingly in her mid-30s, attracted to the idea of travelling and witnessing the world without ever worrying about time
  • Her regal outfit is made from clothes and items gathered during her centuries of travelling
  • Prefers wolf or coyote blood (though it doesn't do favors to her breath), but has occasionally consumed humans when angered
  • Her bad breath is one of the reasons she wears Eau de Cologne 4711 
  • Can go from months to decades without needing to consume blood, depending on the potency of her last victims' blood
  • Can turn into a deer, a carp, a giraffe, an ox, a horse, a bat (barely does so though, she's terrified of bats) or a leopard
  • Kills her victims either by drowning them or by suffocating them
  • Uses her erebomancy mainly to create portals, though her erebomantic suggestions are liable to completely brainwash her victims
  • Her erebomantic aftersense is taste (a ferrous, blood-like taste) 
  • Only used her cryomancy to encase herself in a glacier (which serves as her vault) and to keep herself cold when she wears her regal outfit in hot places
  • Only wears her lighter outfits among people she trusts, otherwise preferring to wear her regal outfit and cooling herself off accordingly (this intense bashfulness is also why she isn't a fan of tattoos)
  • Originally more of a morning person, but became a night owl over the centuries
  • Heavy sleeper and snorer (even from within the glacier vault)
  • Her domain is a small castle hidden in the Massif Central mountain chain
  • Loves umami-tasting foods, but is sweet-toothed to the maximum
  • Strawberries, garlic and sweet onions are her favorite crops, to the point that they are the predominant plants within the square kilometer of her domain she dedicated to gardening
  • Sometimes eats sweet onions like apples
  • Allergic to regular onions
  • Strongly photophobic, but not so much that light can instantly kill her (though she's much more likely to get a sunburn)
  • Any item made with silver can harm her as a vampire, so she developed such an aversion to it that she will punch silver-backed mirrors on sight
  • Tends to look down on the everyfolk wearing yellow, used as she is to the idea of that color being reserved to Chinese royalty (gold doesn't bother her as much however)
  • Styles herself as an "apostle of atheism" (i.e. murders anyone who attempts to bring religion into her life)
  • Was taught how to swordfight in her late 410s by the founder of the Crecienterca family (and received her canesword from him), and sparred on a decadely basis with every member of the family who learned the trade as well (up to and including  Esperanza Crecienterca , whom she battled for a week straight until the knightess stalemated her)
  • Can play the guitar (especially fond of lap steel guitar), but considers her singing voice to be "badly forged nails on a chipped chalkboard"
  • Founded a pipe-smoking club in Copenhagen, Denmark, which she attends weekly (she met  Lyn Blendende  there)
  • Tends to refer to people she wishes to eat out (or has eaten out before) as "wine glasses" or "chalices", because of her habit of lifting her partners up (with either one or both arms) to eat them out (this usage of those words did ruin them for her and some of her entourage though)