
1 year, 9 months ago


Selene • she/they

🎵Brutus - The Buttress 🎵


Selene is a prominent character in Laurence’s backstory, she was the apothecary that taught him all the practical medical skills he knows outside of his powers. They met recently after Laurence had found Elina and started to use his powers to help the townspeople of Dreigenstadt, but upon finding out his powers didn’t affect him, Laurence was desperate to learn ways to heal that didn’t involve his powers. He went to Selene and after much convincing (read: begging) she finally became annoyed enough to allow him to study as her apprentice. Selene quickly noticed Laurence’s talent for healing and his training was relatively quick. Though he was grateful, Laurence ended up moving on and soon became the town’s preferred healer. He was more efficient, affordable and charismatic than Selene, and she soon ran out of business. Selene quickly becomes very jealous of Laurence and hates how he is revered as almost a god by the townspeople when she knows he wouldn't be where he is without her. Laurence had his powers yeah, but she taught him about making medicines and also about the sicknesses and injuries he was treating so he could better understand how to apply his powers into healing. Selene also helped him a lot with his own chronic illness and pain. They were almost like siblings but the second Laurence felt he didn't need her help, he basically cast her away and didn't think of how the repercussions would effect her both business-wise and emotionally. To make matters worse, Selene was sent a vision by Azrael showing what Laurence would become, and the awful experiments that would entail on his quest to immortality. Selene desperately tried to get Dreigenstadt to understand her warning, but they all wrote her off as just being jealous of Laurence’s superior healing abilities. Bitter over how easily Laurence and the town turned on her, Selene went off to live on her own in the Hallowed Weald, taking it upon herself to build a cottage and spent most of her days gardening and living a quiet life by herself. Though she was resentful, Selene tried to live contentedly, while also taking comfort in the fact that Dreigenstadt would rue the day they cast her out once they found out her vision had come true. She never liked talking to people much anyways and clearly they didn’t like her either. But one day, the Mayor of Dreigenstadt, Rowan, came to visit her. He told her of what had happened in the years she’d been gone, Laurence gaining the town’s favour but also of his increasing suspicious behaviour. Rowan explained how catfolk had been mysteriously disappearing and he’s worried Laurence is the cause. Selene reminds Rowan that she had warned everyone of this very thing, before suggesting he go and investigate for himself, then come back with knowledge so they can formulate a plan. They agree on this and Rowan sets off. Days pass with little of interest happening and Selene is starting to get worried, she hasn’t seen Rowan in a while, could something have happened to him? The next day, she ends up discovering Rowan in his new turtlebear state. As it turns out, living in the Hallowed Weald has given Selene the ability to see magical beings, unlike the rest of the town. Rowan desperately tries to explain how Laurence has been taking and experimenting on the townsfolk for a reason unbeknownst to him, but they fear there’s nothing they can do. Laurence is just too powerful. Selene allows Rowan to live near her cottage with her because there’s really nowhere else for him to go and Rowan worries about the future of Dreigenstadt, while Selene can’t help but smugly enjoy their plight. However, one day Elina comes to them and begs for their help. She has found out Laurence’s schemes as well but has managed to steal the magic book of spells without his knowledge. Elina thinks a spell would be able to stop Laurence. Selene is very hesitant to agree, but eventually she does. However, she has no problem making it clear that she is only helping out of her own desire for revenge on Laurence, and that she could give less of a shit about the people of Dreigenstadt. The three set about coming up with ideas until one day, it’s ready. The sealing spell that will trap Laurence away in a mirror indefinitely. It’s a very rushed spell but it’s the best they can do, and so Elina sets off. It ends up working and Selene spends the rest of her days living with Rowan at the quaint cottage, finally earning a peaceful life. OR DOES SHE…… 


In the aftermath of Laurence’s defeat, Selene finds herself struggling to continue this life of monotony, despite feeling like she should be happy now. She ends up running into Elina who is a complete mess and has no idea what to do with herself. Initially, Selene feels resentful towards Elina for siding with Laurence for so long, however she ends up realizing that it was never Elina’s fault. The two end up bonding over their shared experiences and Selene finds herself growing fond of the vampire. She reassures Elina that she isn’t a monster, and that she is worthy of living. Eventually, the two leave the forest and go live in another town where Elina’s ex-fiancé from before lives as they’ve gotten back in touch. Selene and Elina end up becoming more than just friends, and learn to help each other heal from what they have been through. 

