Vasily Leonidivich Galkin



1 year, 9 months ago


Vasily Leonidivich Galkin is a well educated young man, though a socialist (a self-proclaimed Narodnik) and a dreamer. He is the middle son of the Galkin family. He tends to be argumentative and comes off pretty pretentious- though he does have a good heart under it all. He seeks change for the betterment of all but is often too wrapped up in his own ego to see how the world around him really works. 

As his aristocratic well- traveled uncles favorite, he was a student in France and England for most of his life. He returns home to Russia as his father has decided to stop sending him money. He constantly bickers with his older brother Dmitri and complains about the conditions of his home country. He agrees to assist his father at his new post in Siberia believing that it would give him an opportunity to see the real working-class people of Russia and fight for their rights.