Loop's Comments


I've bee eyeing this OC for some time and I would love to have them, I can offer da points, art, characters, custums. If you're interested in what I have to offer then please let me know! <3

What characters are you offering 👀? If none interest me I’ll gladly take art!

pretty much anyone from my th, im trying to get rid of some oc's
pick as many as youd like since i might say no to some

(please dont go though the fist 3 folders and the pokemon folder!!!)

Sorry I didn’t see anyone 💔 could you do art instead? :)

Yep there is a art folder at the very bottom of all the other folders, I can offer a fb chibi/fb non-chibi

I can do any species, pokemon, animals, anthro, Feral but I can NOT draw humans 

yiu can dm me on discord Loopi#0242