


2 years, 15 days ago

Basic Info




188cm / 6ft 2in


Mavy, Mave, Mav, Maverick




An android of unknown origin, and has no memory of how he was created nor does it remember its own name due to complete amnesia. People tend to make invasive assumptions/questions about the tail he has as well as the scar running across the right side of his face, but he denies everything about it due to not remembering how it came to be (and might not even be right in the first place). He ended up choosing the "Maverick" name himself since it liked the sound of it.

Maverick tends to come off as being hot-headed at first, but it's practically just a jerk with a heart of gold. He tends to tease people often as a joke, and takes massive interest in older technology and cars, especially with older computer systems. He can be quick to pick up on things others may not notice at first, and acts just as quick. Though, it doesn't think things through sometimes nor does it try and communicate things through with other people, which he has ended up in some bad situations because of it...

Mavy owns two blades used as weapons, both named "Lunar" and "Lavender" respectively, of which are high-frequency blades with a strong electric current running through them that are capable of cutting through mostly anything and has them on him at all times. He doesn't seem to use them frequently, so seeing them in action is rare as it is. His right eye tends to bug out sometimes where it turns red, which so happens to be on the same side as the scar on his face, and does not help with the invasive questions he gets about it as a result.