Inquisitive Mountain Lioness



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Modified Tabaxi




Pact of the Tome/Dunamancy


Quiz grew up in a quaint town where her father's exemplary knowledge of the arcane made him the foremost wizard in the area, and tutor to any nobility that cared to acquaint themselves with such a place. With such status, he passed on education and eloquence, but no obedience. She would not last long under his strict thumb and doomed to live in his shadow, so she left. At the age of 16 she ran away as fast as Tabaxi legs could take her (Which given, is pretty quick.) without so much as word to her mother. With the few small tricks she learned, she got by for much of it by entertaining with made up tales in taverns and on the streets. Curiosity would get her yet though. As her ear would catch news of new developing tales, and seek them out wherever she could. This eventually led her ruins, and ruin. The crumbling floor gave out beneath her and she fell to what was likely her death.

And yet, it was not her end. The Great Machine found her and forced upon her a pact in exchange with continuing on. It sought knowledge, she sought stories, it has, and continues to work out, for now at least. Even as it steers her headfirst into the strange group wandering Shattered Solace. She's found ancient mechanical cores, sailed into storms to find lost continents, defeated master vampires, unkillable hunters and more. She's even died... again. But as The Gambler's plans become more and more dire in their threat to the world and the mortals living on it, Quiz finally realizes she's no longer just finding the tales she loves telling to others. She's making them.