


6 years, 4 months ago



Terra Hue




167 cm

polyam omni/grayace

Runs Nightlife Hues


Meltdown - Iroha

Teo - Omoi

Ancient Dreams... - MARINA

i DO what i WANT - KIRA

Give me a break stop now! - REOL

Introduction · · ·

Terra came from a low income family, and started working odd jobs fairly young. They learned ways to cut costs, and over the years it had a clear impact; Terra is a big financial planner, and tends to fixate a lot on cost. This usually won't stop them from having their fun; they just make sure to keep it budgeted. .

When it comes to helping a friend, Terra will gladly do whatever they can. Be it money here and there, or helping a friend look for work. At their club, wages are fair for everyone and they tend to donate any extra they make to charities that help either queer people or low income households.


  • Rock music
  • Light fabrics
  • Shonen anime/manga
  • Action games

  • Horror
  • Tobacco
  • Wire bras
  • Most dull colors

Personality · · ·

Terra puts people above the law, and if the two come into conflict Terra will often choose people over law. He operates under his morals first, and law second. Terra will freely help a friend bend the truth, arguing that it's stupid they have to do so in the first place and therefor no worse to play the system. Terra is loyal as long as they feel the people around them are good at heart. They'll gladly debate anyone, and while they won't start a fight they'll surely end one.

Terra is considered to be very emotional, often finding ways to live in their emotions for an hour or two to get it all out of their system. They frequent rage rooms, and will cry if they feel the urge. She won't hesitate to be upfront if they think somebody isn't genuine, and he tolerates no bullshit.

Positive Trait

Terra is very loyal and generous to his friends, and wouldn't hesitate to do anything in their power to help cheer up somebody having a bad day.

Negative Trait

Terra can be petty and spiteful by default, and this sometimes ends up extending negatively towards their friends as well.

Neutral Trait

Terra can tell a lie from a mile away, which can be good for calling a bluff, but can make her pass judgements too quickly.

Neutral Trait

Terra is hyperactive and creative; often writing down ideas or getting to work wherever they can. This can be very beneficial, but their energy can cost them sleep or cause them to lose interest in other projects

Stats · · ·









· · ·

Nobody's ever gonna be another you, so be the real you.

Trivia · · ·

During the day, Terra has their alternate dusty pink hair. At night is when their hair turns to the bright blue color.
Terra's definitely a night owl, usually operating around a third-shift schedule.
Terra's been arrested a handful of times, never for violent crimes though.
They regularly take time to visit their local reformed home of bonds, a space honoring the gods of love, desire, and the new goddess of purity.
Terra's business donates to charities that aid low-income households, as well as charities for aiding queer youth, every pride month.
Terra's traveled quite a bit in their life, raised in the eigth circle of hell and moving to the second circle during their time in college. They currently live in the planes, after a brief period they proudly refer to as their "con era" spent traveling Limbo.

Backstory · · ·

Terra was adopted as a toddler into a household of demons residing in the eigth circle of Hell. Their family was very kind, and despite the reputation outside worlds give it- Hell was mostly just a hot climate with an otherwise average look to it. Terra's family was low-income, making enough to provide, but not for much else. Terra worked odd jobs where they could, and as soon as they were able they got a proper job at a local cafe working back of house; helping clean, handling to-go orders, etcetera.

Terra enjoyed their old job, but eventually in their late teens their family moved to the second circle. Terra had saved a fair bit, and while doing odd jobs they continued to help out their family where they could. When Terra was eighteen, she left home and spent a few years in Limbo pulling fairly harmless cons to earn a little cash. They still worked odd jobs, but spent their nights each in different places. By the time they reached 20, their odd jobs, savings, and a little help from photoshop were enough to get them a small apartment. Where they settled working on a loading dock.

Limbo and Nightlife Hues . . .

Over the four years between then and now, Terra met some close friends- and maybe got arrested a handful of times. They eventually moved to the planes, near the Aftermath district. Where they started getting things ready for the business they hoped to open.

A year before present, Terra officially opened Nightlife Hues. A business that grew modestly before a big boom brought on during the season of stars, the final night of which is when clubs tend to get a lot of business from planetary god worshippers who are celebrating the first new moon of the year. With a small but growing kind staff and fair wages, they became a small hotspot for primarily lunar worshippers.

Nowadays, Terra tends to work night shifts. They're very happy with where their life has taken them, and are content to rest where they're at.

The planetary worshippers . . .

Because of the popularity of Nightlife Hues for those celebrating the season of stars, Terra has learned a lot about those of lunar faith. While Terra still mainly follows the home of bonds, they have begun to make time to visit a small heavenly bodies shrine near them, offering their prayers and thanks to the lunar gods for the good fortune they've received from their followers.

Terra is religious, considered to be a follower of the lunar gods as well as living by the principles of the house of bonds. Essentially believing in the powers of the stars as well as strong emotional bonds; in giving and receiving from the world around them.

Links · · ·


Mary and Terra frequent the same house of bonds, and have become sort of friends. Terra can sense something is off about Mary, but feels as though she's safe despite this.

Terra thinks Mary is a kind person, and also thinks she's very pretty.


Terra and Asriel hang out pretty often, and Terra has begun to show an interest in tarot, which is Asriel is more than happy to help them learn. The two are fairly close.

The two also smoke weed together sometimes


Callisto and Terra have been dating for several months, most agree it's a case of opposites attract- but they have much more in common than meets the eye. The two get along very well, often hanging out together and just playing games or co-existing while doing their own things. Both of them are night-owls, so their schedules work well together.

code by 00Ishikawa00