


6 years, 4 months ago


-a chemist!

-way too focused on her work to be interested in relationships

-can be rather obtuse when people are flirting with her (she would much rather talks about atoms and mixtures than make small talk.)

-she is sassy and spunky, but flawed, in that she refuses to accept when she's wrong and gets incredibly defensive.

-she is deathly afraid of spiders (but that's it) 

-loves to play video games. 

-she hates kids (like...a lot. they annoy her and they knock over things and contaminate things with their grimy hands.) 

-her lab is spotless but her house is an absolute mess; she can't keep things organized to save her life. 

-an "absent-minded professor" type

-she eats often (pizza is her favorite)

-never has spare time. 

-always doing three things at once, a queen of multitasking, 

-sometimes things will confuse her and she'll end up writing "get groceries" in her lab reports and chemical formulas on post-it notes.

-cartoons are her guilty pleasure. 

-plays guitar and drums (badly) and sings off-key often (to the utter annoyance of her neighbors.)  

-loves 90s rock music (go nirvana, woo!)

-her favorite animal is a duck. 

-she reads political satire in her spare time (cat's cradle by kurt vonnegut is an all-time favorite.)

-her birthday is sometime in may but she frankly doesn't care to remember birthdays because, to quote "they aren't important to her." -she would much rather be working than celebrating. 

-her heros include albert einstein, marie curie, and batman. 

-her favorite gemstone is an emerald. 

-she would rather be caught dead than with a cat; her only pet is a german shepherd. 

-she hates the color pink and anything traditionally girly.