


1 year, 9 months ago


54984718_nltp0TrY02YQ55f.pngPower: Can make duplicates of himself

Description: Umar is quite an unusual kid. Heā€™s soft spoken, but not necessarily anti social. He can be a pretty talkative guy actually, and unlike Leng Fei, heā€™s relatively active in his friend group. But despite this, his aura somehow makes his presence almost nonexistent to the point when sometimes, you forget that heā€™s even there. Another thing about Umar is that heā€™s somewhat of a secretive and enigmatic person. While heā€™s close with the members of the squad, at the same time, they all donā€™t really know all that much about him. Heā€™s very vague when sharing personal information about himself and doesnā€™t disclose much on it in general. He also tends to have unexpected and/or uncommon reactions to situations. If he were to be put in danger, he would be abnormally unconcerned which even someone as calm as He Yin would still show even a little worry. Going as far as to hearing news about someoneā€™s suffering or death, whether theyā€™re close or not, Umar wonā€™t seem that devastated. It doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t feel any sorrow whatsoever. Heā€™s just not the kind of person to show much emotion, he physically probably canā€™t. His strange vibes often gives people and eerie feeling and occasionally makes them shiver due to his presence, but he doesnā€™t appear to be a threat in anyway nor is he actually one. Excluding his uncanniness aside, he is shown to have a sense of humor, as shown with his mask he regularly wears. Though he does enjoy a lot of dark humor and offensive jokes, he rarely, if not ever, comes across as problematic and can be a cool guy to hang around with if you gave him a shot.

Age: 15

Height: 5ā€™7ā€

Ethnicity: Malaysian
Languages: English, Malay


Trivia/Fun facts





1. Avatar: The last airbender

-Either a Waterbender or an EarthbenderĀ idk

2. Harry Potter


Headcanons from others

(13) Saiki K voice headcanon JibblySquibbly

- Umar is very silent on his feet, and will often walk up behind people without them even noticing. He doesnā€™t even realize it most of the time, and has scared his friend group countless times when they turn around and he is just, there.Ā 

- Whenever a conversation is getting *a bit* too personal, Umar will do anything in his power to brush it off and steer the conversation somewhere else. He has lied about personal things before to get it over with, but he doesnā€™t like to do so.Ā 

- Depending on who he is with, Umar gets anxiety about his lack of emotions, and will sometimes fake emotions to ā€˜passā€™ the expected reaction. Heā€™s grown to be good at it.Ā 

- Dude totally drops concerning sentences in the middle of a casual conversations. Something about doing a double backflip into oncoming traffic or what have you.Ā 

- Will sometimes wear two or three of his masks, just to keep pulling them down. He loves the reactions he gets. DreaminDemon

His humor fluctuates between a lot of categories and catches people off guard often. IronyMobile

Hmm, probably like a blue raspberry candy! (if he was edible) @dearlyfragmented

kept interrupting random families who were enjoying their meal to show them his extra appendages, then proceeds to tell them how he thinks they will die (why he got banned from Mcdonaldā€™s) tifalil