Reina Qing



8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Reina Qing








168 lbs








A meticulously hardworking, yet naive Akseran soldier with an intimidating countenance and a penchant for practical jokes. She's overly competitive and struggles to get along with others.


Reina comes from a family with a long history of serving in decorated positions within the Aksera army. Her father is a general charged with defending the capital, and her mother a paladin who frequently leads missions away from the home front. As such, Reina desires to continue the family tradition and become the next great Akseran general.

However, her father has little faith in her abilities, believing that she is better off becoming a bride. Though she underwent strict training in her household, he restricts her from enlisting.

With the aid of her uncle, a light-hearted halberdier, and her cousin, her long-standing rival, she runs away from her family's manor to join the army and prove her worth as a military asset to her father, hoping that becoming a general would finally ellicit a showing of his love.


Reina trains every day, and constantly challenges others to sparring matches. She believes whole-heartedly in her overwhelming strength, but doesn't have much of a 
tactical mind. She often tries to settle her problems with a fight, in hopes that her strength would be witnessed by her Lord, the army's commander.

Due to her uncle's influence, she also has a terrible sense of humor, making fun of others for their misfortunes or playing pranks on them, often having harmful results. She sees this as a way of letting loose and having fun, thinking that her targets are laughing along with her. She subconsciously does this to approach others, trying to make friends, as she wasn't allowed any while growing up. However, her pranks along with her mean and scary face (a result of genetics, as she does try to look nice) instead push others away.

Reina admires those in the army who are stronger than her, especially promoted units and her Lord.

In battle, Reina's abilities tend to be rather balanced, with a decent amount of HP, strength and defense. Her skill and speed are superb, allowing her to double attack slower units with relatively high accuracy. This makes her a very damaging unit with plenty of durability. Her luck leaves some desirability, but her magic resistance is easily her vice. She has absolutely no defense against mages, and as such she tends not to like anyone who uses magic at all.