


1 year, 9 months ago


Name: Loristate
Type: Metropolis
Population %Marmots, Arnox, Selanopus

Notable features:

-Loristate is considered either famous or infamous for its humid wet conditions depending on who you ask. The metropolis is built under a giant cavernous waterbasin and the waters frequently trickle or rain down the city into the ocean. This makes it ideal for species such as marmots, guarduke and selanopus.

-Loristate experiences frequent "rains" at night as a result of the basin damn vents opening. The rain is considered essential for the citizens of Loristate and also serves to hydrate the old buildings, most of which are made of a semi porous rock that can become brittle in dry heat. By morning the roads are often fully flooded, allowing for the water trams to operate once again.

-The water trams are a form of public transport unique to this part of Vanillaverse. They can be operated along the coast where water levels are high as well as in the inner sections of the city. The citizens of Loristate rely on these to get around the partially flooded city.