


1 year, 9 months ago


  • one of xereius' two consorts. though he has the title of consort, he is also in all ways an extension of xereius' will; his duties encompass anything and everything that his master might want done and he will execute on any order given to him with fanatical enthusiasm. his devotion to xereius is only matched by that of his counterpart.
  • fights viciously even by demonic standards, favoring using his fists over anything else. while the gauntlets are already very effective as both a weapon and a means of defending himself, their core purpose is something like training weights. when removed, he goes berserk and unlocks his ~true~ power. he very rarely unshackles himself like this, only ever going to that extreme when it has been well and truly proven he can't win a given engagement on his own as he is. he gets a lot of satisfaction from defeating enemies without taking the gauntlets off, even if it would often be easier to just go full throttle from the beginning.
  • vain, prideful, greedy and selfish. tends to laugh at everything and see things as a game to be won. the only thing he takes seriously and loves than he loves himself is xereius.
  • eviraxx was once a basic, rank-and-file demon, likely doomed to be cannon fodder like the rest of the hordes that couldn't pull themselves above the masses. he hated this fact more than anything, always pushing himself to try and prove himself to higher up, more powerful demons, desperate to be elevated to a position that he felt he deserved. this endeavor was centuries in the making and never seemed to bear any fruit; the rare time he caught the attention of a superior, he rarely reaped any reward from it. they would often take from him whatever he had used to try and win their favor, while ignoring him and turning him away.
  • xereius' rise to power was inspirational for many all across the realms of the Underworld, but few seemed to be as stricken by it as eviraxx. any lower demon managing to kill a sovereign was practically unheard of, and eviraxx knew that if anyone would understand his position enough to give him what he so desperately wanted, it was xereius. he was tireless in his pursuit of his attention, refusing to suffer any sort of competition, more than willing to tear any would-be competitors to shreds.
  • eventually his vicious, single-minded devotion does catch xereius' attention, and he does get what he spent millenia chasing. it's not his favorite thing that the position at xereius' side is one he ends up having to share but. its fine. they get along. mostly.