


6 years, 4 months ago

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Southwest Cryptid


A cryptid of southwest America, the creature bears resemblance to the Eocene mammal Hyaenodon but with more reptillian features. It has a powerful, surprisingly agile body with strong legs capable of digging through the sands and soils of the surrounding area. Reports vary on details, with different sightings saying the hide was featureless and thick up along its hackles, while others saying it was spotted and patched with mange. Eyes are bloodshot, but frequently described as white and reflecting as most sightings occur at night using torches or similar lighting.

All reports, however, mention the multiple sores and wounds along its body that ooze a thick, red-black liquid. An old sample was acquired by [redacted] from the outskirts of [redacted], and despite being mostly dried from morning sun the sample contained vegetative bacteria. Further testing identified a Yersinia species (believed to be Y. pestis), Mycobacterium (M. leprae, M. tuberculosis), Tularemia, Listeria and Salmonella. It is unknown how all bacteria co-exist without causing death to the animal. This adds to the unknown factor of whether there are multiple of this creature, of if this is a single example of some yet-unidentified species - perhaps a surviving lineage from the Hyaenodon. With all sightings being in or around abandoned mining towns, it's possible the latter theory is true, and that the creature is a marvel at co-existing with pathogens and being able to weaponise and protect itself.


There's a reason why many towns and mines became abandoned without due cause. Why people left in droves for no apparent reason. Humans can only push the land so far before it begins to push back. Believed to be the consequence of reckless human greed, the Blight has been recorded much further into history than first thought. Records of miners coming back to later die from horrifying disease despite no wounds or cause left many to believe the mines were haunted, they had hit a gas pocket or were faced with some kind of natural force. It wasn't until footage later caught sight of an unidentified creature that lurked in these mines rubbing up against the passageways and dripping ooze on the floor did people begin to realize it was the cause of the sicknesses described on record. It's not that people hadn't figured it out before, they just never let the word spread of the creature, in hopes that tales of collapsed mines and dangerously unkempt tunnels would keep people away. This has held up to modern age, but with technology increasing, more sightings have occurred, and many have attempted to get closer to the cryptid to little success. Unfortunately, there has been a spike in patients presenting with diseases extremely unusual to the area, and there are fears that it could spread locally within communities if something isn't done to deter wannabe cryptid hunters. Accidental encounters rarely end in death, however, which has perpetuated the belief that this creature exists to punish greed and selfish habitation.

[design notes]

Design Notes: wounds can be more/less severe, spots are preferred but can be more/less, eyes can be white/reflecting or as shown and hair can be mangy or well kept - up to preference/interpretation