Anala (अनला)



2 years, 16 days ago



Power: Create and Manipulate Fire

Description: Like fire, Anala is ferocious and fearless. She’s not the type to start mischief but she can get involved if provoked enough. She’s an independent and diligent young woman with a sneering attitude but has a nurturing side to her as well. She’s reliable and supportive but can also be harsh and strict. She has no ill intent, however and just wants what’s she thinks is best for you. If she were to be a mentor in anyway, she may go rough on you. But she won’t overwork or stress you out too much and she’s quick to check if you’re doing alright. Anala is a bit of a no nonsense person, but it’s not excessive. She has a funny and slightly petty side too and can get in on stupid fun sometimes if she wants to.

Age: 24

Height: 5’8”

Ethnicity: Indian

Languages: English, Hindi

Occupation: Rescuer


Younger brother: Tarit तारित

Girlfriend: Camela

Trivia/Fun facts

-Birthday: July

-Has orange and blue in her palette since she can generate both orange and blue flames

! This is just old concept stuff !
-When I was undecided on whether Camela would get a girlfriend or boyfriend, I realized that her siblings (Serena and Codrilo) both had gfs so I went with the gf route cuz I thought it'd be funny to continue the gf family bloodline lmaoo. Realized both were asian too and decided to give Camela a south Asian gf so that it's East, Southeast, and South Asian lololl. Already had Tarit (who's Indian) so I thought might as well make her his sister


1. Avatar: The last airbender


2. Harry Potter


3. Genshin Impact

- Pyro - Sword - Liyue - Tall female

Headcanons from others

(22) Mary Jane (Homecoming and Far From Home) voice headcanon @SoPlain

Anala and camila

- anala enjoys doing cool fire stunts to impress camila

- anala and camila both enjoy action/comedy movies toghether

- camila is VERY protective over anala Zinkyzor