Tarit (तरित)



1 year, 9 months ago



Power: Create and Manipulate Lightning and Electricity

Description: While he may not seem like it, Tarit is a pretty intelligent kid and is especially skilled in using electronics and could probably hack people online if he wanted to. The only problem is that Tarit is also kind of lazy. Yes, he does enjoy working with technology from time to time but he doesn’t like to constantly associate himself with it. Because Tarit doesn’t want to deal with people asking for help with their electronic devices, he developed a habit of pretending to be dumb just to throw people off and get them away (Which he now also likes to do as a joke). The only times he’s more willing to help out is with his group of friends since he’s more chill with them. Like He Yin, Tarit is a laidback person, but he also loves to pull pranks on other people and make fun of them (light heartedly). He loves to hold onto things he knows people are scared of (roaches, spiders etc) and bring it to people with those phobias (He’s not really scared of a lot of things so he has a variety of fears to gather for people). He makes a lot of snarky and cheeky comments about other people. This may make him a bit of an ass but Tarit knows when not to take it too far and stop. Plus Tarit behaves like this more with their friends than with people he’s less close to. 

Age: 15 

Height: 5’5”

Ethnicity: Indian

Languages: English, Hindi

Possible voice claim: Kuraiinu + Talking Edit: might change it to Camilo (Encanto)


Older sister: Anala अनला

Trivia/Fun facts

-MBTI: ISTP-A (I feel like perceiving would be a bit higher but yeah I guess this is accurate enough)


-Birthday: August 6

-He knows how to skateboard and it’s his main use of transportation to school

-Has the messiest handwriting you'll ever witness. He can write more properly if he wants, but chooses not to in most cases since he thinks it's funny to see people try to decipher it. Also he’s able to understand his writing 100% of the time

-Dips his fries into ice cream


1. Avatar: The last airbender


2. Harry Potter


Headcanons from others

(6) Jude (6teen) voice headcanon Shadowzim777

I feel like they'd enjoy being a troll on video games like Roblox or Minecraft, not in a mean sort of way, but the kind that just does silly stuff to make other people laugh. Vimera

You can't convince me the character above doesn't taste like homemade orange bread/cake (if he were edible) MangoZombie09

Caused the electricity to go out as a prank and has been banned from all locations within 25 miles of their home (Why they got banned from Mcdonald’s) @NoMoarLies

Tarif give off so much goat energy- ngl. "Loves being a troll online" - goat energy. "pretends to be stupid but is good with a certain subject" - goat energy. Rides a skateboard? You've guessed it: I classify that as goat energy. Goats are pranksters just like Tarif. (What animal do you see in the OC above you) fizzelston