The Boogeyman



1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Sugiko Katsukata

Aliases: Boogeyman

Species: Fox (Kitsune)

Age: Depicted as 22

Height: 6'2"

Occupation: Clockmaker / Antique clock maker
Sugiko is a shy and reserved kitsune with an intriguing mix of mystique and innocence. Despite her eerie appearance, she is a hopeless romantic at heart. Sugiko means no harm to others; in fact, she is quite gentle and caring. Her reserved nature makes her mysterious, but those who take the time to know her find a kind and compassionate soul beneath the enigmatic exterior. Although she would wake others with her nightmarish powers, she'll feel bad afterward, but it's the only way out of the dream world from sleeping.


  1. Nightmare Weaving:
    • Sugiko can manipulate shadows and dreams, creating illusions and phantasms that induce vivid dreams or nightmarish visions. These illusions are not meant to harm but to convey messages or emotions. This power also allows her to wake others up from a nightmare in the dream world.
  2. Moonlit Whispers:
    • Sugiko can communicate through soft, melodic whispers carried on moonlit beams. These whispers are soothing and meant to convey comfort rather than fear.
  3. Shadow Meld:
    • Sugiko can meld with shadows, becoming nearly invisible and intangible. This power allows her to move unnoticed and observe without causing distress.
  4. Dream Threads:
    • Sugiko weaves delicate threads of dreams, connecting individuals with shared dreams. This power allows her to foster understanding and empathy among beings.
  5. Emotion Absorption:
    • Sugiko can absorb negative emotions, such as fear or anxiety, and convert them into soothing energy. This power reflects her desire to bring comfort and tranquility to those around her.

Sugiko was born from the shadows, a mystical entity inspired by the boogeyman legends. However, unlike the fearful tales, Sugiko was born with a compassionate heart. She roams the night, guiding lost dreams and weaving connections between beings through the ethereal threads of moonlit dreams. Despite her eerie appearance, she longs for connection and love, forever bound by her hopeless romantic nature.

Bio: In the ethereal realms where shadows and dreams intertwine, Sugiko Katsukata, known as the Boogeyman, emerged from the veiled depths with an enigmatic presence. Born from the essence of shadows, Sugiko embodied the delicate balance between the eerie and the compassionate, a kitsune whose existence danced between dreams and the unknown. Sugiko's journey began in the hidden corners of the dream world, a place where she felt an intrinsic connection to the threads that wove the fabric of reality. It was during these formative years that she encountered another kitsune, Twila, in the moonlit landscapes of their shared dreams.

From their first meeting, a friendly rivalry blossomed between Sugiko and Twila. The two kitsunes, each embodying a unique essence of the night, engaged in playful antics and mischievous pranks. Despite the differences in their approaches to the mystical arts, they found a balance in their shared love for the moonlit realms.

Outside of the dream world in her real self, she has a passion of restoring antique clocks to their former glory.