


6 years, 4 months ago



"hehe! how fun~!"



round.pngAGE: Unknown (looks about mid 20's)

round.pngBIRTHDAY: Unknown

round.pngPRONOUNS: She/Her/Female

round.pngRACE: Unknown (assumed to be a mood board demon of sorts due to her eyes changing color based on mood, but no one is sure)

round.pngHEIGHT: 5'7

round.pngWEIGHT: 130lbs

round.pngOCCUPATION: Unknown

round.pngORIENTATION: Bicurious? (she has never indulged in any sexual act, so she isnt sure what to even do or what gender she likes but she does gaze at males more than females)

round.pngVOICE: Varies with mood, she is mostly mute unless scaring someone

round.pngTHEME: Unknown



Skariva is a woman of unknown origin, those who catch sight of her have deemed her a monster, a wendigo, a demon, but nobody knows and she refuses to give the true answer, if you want to call her any of those she mostly shrugs it off, if thats what everyone wants to call her then thats what she shall be in her own opinion, no one will ever be close enough to her anyway to find the truth. Her eyes change, like a mood ring, anyone who has seen her eyes always claim "they are red!" "no you fool they are purple!" "are you daft they were PINK!", finding it amusing at humans bickering over the "forest monsters" eyes

As of right now she is currently in a relationship with no one, finding this thing called love both confusing and unobtainable.

NSFW/GORE Art is allowed with her, wanna draw her nude? go ahead! 

the skull she has is a mask, you can see her eyes change colors based on her mood with or without the mask

cute art? GO FOR IT!

NSFW/GORE PARTNER ART is allowed, but i prefer any partner to be in art with her be of age (18+), any/all SFW art is allowed

ships can be allowed, just again 18+ please



round.png Sweets/Bittersweets, preferred dark chocolate

round.png Animals, even though they run at the sight of her

round.png Nighttime, to her thats when its more peaceful

round.png Belly dancing. being close to a village she has encountered dancers doing this, taking her time to practice while watching them. she owns one outfit and on quiet nights when she is up to it she will put it on and dance in the moonlight

round.png Attention, if she could ever find someone to give her the time of day without screaming at the sight of her



round.png Anyone who disrespects her forest. If you hear on how anyone has gone missing wellllll......

round.png Being called a monster, she is well aware she is different from everyone else. the word doesnt hurt her as much anymore, but it is quick to anger her

round.png Being watched, she prefers to do the watching..having someone watch her makes her skin crawl

round.png Anyone attempting to sneak up on her to take her skull mask, she is self conscious of her actual face because of her having fangs instead of "normal teeth" and with how often she was called a monster

round.png Cloudy days and nights, they hide the beauty of the forest in her opinion, and hide the stars she adores gazing at during the night



round.png Scaring anyone who comes into her wilderness home

round.png Spying on the neighboring village at night, those who have seen her have dubbed her "a wendigo" or "monster of the forest" but she fails to see why

round.png Decorating her treetop home with little items she finds (ex: old bones, rocks she finds pretty, twigs), it may be an abandoned broken treehouse but that doesnt mean it has to look dead!

round.png Its rare, but on occasion when she isnt scaring the living daylights out of anyone entering the forest she will watch couples. finding the idea of romance fascinating but feeling it unobtainable for someone like her

round.png Stargazing, its not much but its something that keeps her calm and silences any voices in her head



Her personality varies. Skariva is mainly a sweetheart but you can never be too sure since her eyes change color based on her mood. She can go from playful and quirky to "I'M GONNA RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!!!" in the matter of seconds to minutes. When she goes quiet and unmoving/responsive is when it makes everyone worry since she will refuse to say anything.

On occasion she does find joy scaring others, thinking if they are going to call her names why not make the most out of it? Then there is times where she wonders what its like having this thing called "love"? why do the humans say it and have it? what is it about? is it food? she believes she will never know..

Never.....NEVER......try to take, remove, break, her skull mask...that will instantly trigger her to try and maul you to death. It is her sort of comfort, a security feature if you must give it a name, since the only time she is seen without it is when she is scaring someone (and even then it may not get removed). the only time she is without this mask is when she is asleep.

Belly dancing...ever since the village hosted gatherings and brought dancers like these around they have intrigued her, finding the movement they do beautiful. If your lucky enough to see her dance her eye color will be based on the way she dances, wether its happy or sad or anything...sadly no one ever gets to see it because once she feels you watching her she will either chase you off or kill you, due to her not wanting anyone to see her dance because she doesnt feel confident enough with it and mostly due to how humans have treated her



Put your character's biography here. Etiam ut nunc ac sapien rutrum eleifend. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer interdum aliquet dui vel laoreet. Proin convallis dui risus, non pellentesque orci faucibus vel. Sed bibendum magna in finibus imperdiet. Sed velit ipsum, cursus sed rutrum in, hendrerit eget tellus. Mauris vitae risus interdum, mattis nulla sit amet, laoreet massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut elementum vulputate arcu ut posuere. Pellentesque nec tortor a turpis aliquet dapibus vel eget arcu. Nam eget diam et dui blandit dapibus. Donec feugiat vulputate risus eu consectetur. Praesent consequat, orci nec vulputate pharetra, ex enim mollis nisi, vel pretium orci erat at velit. Mauris pulvinar nunc ligula, a lobortis orci tincidunt non. Vivamus elementum ex sit amet erat pulvinar, ut malesuada dui pulvinar. Duis eget eros viverra, imperdiet lectus ac, vulputate est.






Describe relationship here. Nullam commodo felis lorem, pellentesque aliquam sapien hendrerit in. Fusce vitae libero posuere, congue orci nec, gravida libero. Praesent eget turpis nec orci pharetra fermentum sit amet in erat. Praesent aliquet nisi massa, vitae pretium eros egestas eget. Nunc ut facilisis nibh.




Describe relationship here. Nullam commodo felis lorem, pellentesque aliquam sapien hendrerit in. Fusce vitae libero posuere, congue orci nec, gravida libero. Praesent eget turpis nec orci pharetra fermentum sit amet in erat. Praesent aliquet nisi massa, vitae pretium eros egestas eget. Nunc ut facilisis nibh.




Describe relationship here. Nullam commodo felis lorem, pellentesque aliquam sapien hendrerit in. Fusce vitae libero posuere, congue orci nec, gravida libero. Praesent eget turpis nec orci pharetra fermentum sit amet in erat. Praesent aliquet nisi massa, vitae pretium eros egestas eget. Nunc ut facilisis nibh.

Code by AviCode