


9 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Grem2 (an original species by










Sweet, pretty outgoing, creative, dexterous though sometimes a bit clumsy, in general has a balanced mood but has mood swings from time to time


Drawing/painting, woodcraft, hiking


Kelsey and Rose differ only 1 year in age, Kelsey wears a crystal pendant which Rose gifted to him, Kelsey likes to wear and collect scarfs


Grem2 have been bred by humans to serve for companionship and protection, Kelsey's first years however were nothing like that. In fact he can remember very little about his first years. All he can remember is that he spend them on the streets, scavenging for food. How he ended up on the streets, he still has no idea.

During times when Kelsey couldn't find any decent food for days he sometimes had to enter people their homes in order to steal some food. Most of the time he was able to sneek in and out of the house unnoticed, but occasionally he got people, dogs or shoes chasing him.

During one of these "expeditions" Kelsey got stuck in one of the cabinets of someone's kitchen. Desperately he tried to get out, but nothing worked. Even though he was aware of the possible consequences, he squealed and called for help; it was the only option he had left.
After a few minutes Kelsey heard soft footsteps approaching. He heard the person stopping, standing still in front of the cabinet. Kelsey gulped, as cautiously the person opened the doors of the cabinet.
In front of him was a young girl, no older than he was. Her dark brown eyes gazed down upon him. Kelsey shut his eyes, expecting a high-pitched shriek based on previous experiences with youngsters. Instead, the girl carefully freed him and picked him up, wanting to take the creature out of the cabinet and put him back outside.
However, once the girl grabbed Kelsey his heart jumped and out of reflex he bit down on the girl's hand. The girl did not shout and did not let go of him. She quietly carried him towards the back door and put him down, outside. With big eyes Kelsey stared at the girl, not used to such reactions. The girl looked back at him, a small smile on her lips. After a moment of silence, Kelsey slowly backed out of the backyard.

The next day when Kelsey was on his daily routine, searching through bins, he couldn't help but pass by the back of the house where the girl lived. He stopped and looked around for a bit, seeing if he could catch a glimpse of the girl, when he noticed a small bowl near the backdoor. Kelsey slipped pass the fence and as he drew near he saw to his surprise that the bowl was filled with food. A warm feeling filled the young Grem2 as he gratefully hogged down the food.

This continued for days. Sometimes the girl would sit next to him and just watch him. Gradually the two started to talk and after a few weeks the girl who introduced herself as Rose took Kelsey in.

Over the years they grew a tight bond. They complemented each other well; the quiet, reserved Rose, and the more outgoing Kelsey.
Rose learned Kelsey several things, amongst others the art of painting, one of Rose her favorite pastimes.
They both became rather skilled in it, each in their own subject. Rose in drawing portraits, Kelsey in painting a scenery.

At the age of 18 Rose moved out of the house, going to study Arts and Art History in another city, and Kelsey moved along.

Right now they're peacefully living together, enjoying each other's company and art.