Pandora Blanco ([ h e a d c a n o n s ])



"Despite the fact that Pandora goes through memory erasure every few million years, she always makes sure to keep her memories of her past pranks; she wouldn't ever want to do the same prank twice! Besides, they give valuable information for future pranks to make sure that things go as planned without a single issue, so she figures that fact makes it worth it to keep those memories." - VioletValentine870

"Pandora, being billions of years old, has a hard time adapting to new trends, and often gets new and old slang confused. " - Gh0stParade

"Pandora seems to be the type that would be fun and loud drunk; the life of the party. Her pranks typically go out of hand when she's intoxicated, which can tick some people off." - Nocturne

"Pandora is an excellent photobomber. Whenever there is photography going on in her vicinity, she smoothly slides into the frame at the perfect comedic timing, in the perfect comedic place." - callilux

[Space for more headcanons]