


1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Human/dragon hybrid


"What's a gender? Male I guess."




A dragon human hybrid born of an ongoing experiment to make reliable defenders of [the city]/soldiers beholden only to [the corporation] without needing to rely on the general populace. Nytoas' early life was lived in a sterile lab where he received training, a strict upbringing and constant, constant supervision from the corporation that 'made' him. Brief glimpses of the outside world fostered a strong desire to escape one day, which grew into a wish to see all his fellow experiments and his genetic donor freed from the corporation's grasp.

He eventually managed to escape confinement with some of his siblings and discovered, along the way, that he had the ability to turn into a giant fuckoff dragon- a previously unknown ability that his creators didn't intend for him to get, despite his genetics being a weird draconic-human soup.  He and his siblings took up residence in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of [the city] and Nytoas started working at a restaurant to make ends meet. 

After a collection of misadventures I haven't made up yet, he rescues his genetic donor Thomasyn from [the corporation] and earns their ire even more than he had previously (they were hunting him down and probably going to kill him and make another more obedient clone of him). To circumvent this, an older 'sibling' who had been produced and escaped earlier than him, Liese, reached out to him to get him to join the city patrol.  This would afford him some degree of insurance against [the corporation] while also getting him a higher paying job and giving him an outlet for his fighting skills.

Tends to default to a deadpan. It's kind of hard to know what he's thinking, but it's probably more benign and innocent than you'd expect. He can be a little oblivious sometimes, but he means well. Surprisingly kind given what his upbringing was like. Cares for his siblings greatly.