【 ✦ kurai ✦ 】



1 year, 8 months ago



august 14. 2023


✦ POS ✦ 【 ✦ adaptable ✦ confident ✦ daring ✦ fkexible ✦ suave ✦ 】

✦ NEU ✦ 【 ✦ ambitious ✦ deceptive ✦ impersonal ✦ noncommittal ✦ stubborn ✦ 】

✦ NEG ✦ 【 ✦ aloof ✦ conceited ✦ impulsive ✦ narcissistic ✦ possessive ✦ 】

" ✦ to what do i owe this pleasure ✦ "

Kurai is adaptable in many ways, however he's most proud of being able to bounce back to living a full and proper life after hardships have occured. With that comes his confidence and suaveness. He has a way with his words that make people swoon and dig into what he's selling. He makes daring remarks and choices he flaunts around with utmost pride. His flexibility works around his adaptability, always able to bend just the right amount while holding steadfast for others.

While highly ambitious and stubborn with his dreams and goals, Kurai is noncommittal to personal relationships. He'll have flings and one nights. He hates talking about himself and likewise has become deceptive while dodging some of those personal questions a person may ask.

Kurai has narcissistic and conceited tendencies. Always bragging about his acheivements to hype himself up to others. He is proud of growing his jewelery shop, even if he had help kickstarting it. Kurai has a very aloof outlook on life, he is just floating around and doing what he must without putting much thought into it. Sometimes that leads to making impulsive decisions that bites him in the butt! He is also quite possessive of his belongings, and won't let go of some items even for a pretty penny.

✦ TL,DR ✦

not today bitches



death ✦ ransacking ✦ arson


Kurai was born to greedy nobles in the northernmost island of The Hissing Isle. They had set up an empire of harvesting gemstones to turn them into jewelry. Kurai and his parents were never close. His father kept a certain distance and his mother followed in the footsteps. His parents would demand his respect as if they were already business partners. This had only driven Kurai further apart from them. With this, Kurai was handfed everything on a golden spoon. Needless to say, he was spoiled rotten. He never paid any attention to school and always turned his attention to run off and play with his gremlin friends. He felt he had an easy life as he would inheret his father's empire once it was time.

Young and impressionable, Kurai was blinded by the illusion of wealth and power just as his parents were. He didn't know what their empire was built on. He'd flaunt it around, clad in the jewels harvested by workers who despised the family. Their treatment was unkind and the workers felt underappreciated and underpaid. It wasn't long after the boy turned 16 that these workers took action. They had plans to riot their work treatment peacefully, however, certain peole had other plans. During the night of the big party, they snuck in as house servats. Many of them were faceless to Kurai's parents so this turnover was and easy task. Quietly, as the party went on, they set their plans to action. On the strike of midnight, Kurai's family manor was set ablaze. That wasn't the end of it. The braver ones of the group took it a step further to see the family dead. While guests raced out of the manor to escape the flames, Kurai and his family were cornered into a room. With knives dipped in poision, a fight ensued. The workers had forgotten that the Sableye family was immune to poisons. It proved to hold up a bigger fight, but the struggle to overthrow the nobles were won by the workers. Kurai managed to slip away while the others were distracted with his parents. His only thoughts were to save himself. He didn't look back nor did he care to. He wasn't feeling the sorrow of the loss of his parents as anyone would, instead he was enraged at them. He was slowly piecing together what brought this dreaded fate upon them and he felt disgusted with himself for feeding into his parents reputation. He had no time to think about that.

The poisoned knives had caught his left eye and parts of his body he couldn't care to pay attention to at the moment. His first instinct was to leave the island for good. With the night being dead, he snuck aboard a ship. He didn't know the destination, as long as it wasn't The Hissing Isle. Kurai didn't know when he passed out, but he was woken up abruptly by the ship crew. They were angry at first but seeing his injured state, they agreed to let him stay on board for the ride, however he would need to get off at their next stop; Onekama in the Spiral Archipelego.


Landing in Onekama was the first step to build Kurai's up again. He quickly took apprenticeship at a local jeweler shop. Impressed with his knowledge on jewels and metals, the old jeweler took pride in calling Kurai his own son. Though the shop wasn't as big as his parent's but Kurai felt humbled. He began to love this simple new life. His habits of partying still stayed, though. He quickly grew close to a group of boys his age and together they made trouble in the streets.

Kurai truly felt comfortable like this. However, a few years later, his old man grew sick of an illness. Kurai quickly set to work finding rememdies but nothing seemed to work. The old man had grown feeble and his body was giving up on the fight. Kurai couldn't accept this as fact and begged him to fight longer, promising a rememdy would appear soon. It was too late, the old man had passed. Now at the age of 23, Kurai felt the sorrow of loss. Kurai promised himself to grow the jewelry shop in honor of his late old man. Slowly but surely, he gained popularity and many people came in with custom orders for wedding bands, bangles, necklaces, and just about anything they can think of.

Work kept him busy, but he found it extremely lonely having no one around to make crude jokes with while working. His buddies would come around often but he would always kick them out because they caused too much trouble for him. Especially with a delicate craft like jewelry making. Years went by and Kurai fell into a steady rhythm of work, party, sleep, and repeat.


One night while his friends and him were dining at a bar, his eyes caught wind of a pretty pink Cottonee with a party of two, a Mienfoo and a Pikipek. Intrigued by this strange group, Kurai was quick to introduce himself. Through the conversation he learned the party were a group of Bounty Hunters working for the Global Communication Setup Foundation (GCSF). They had just returned to the Sprial Archipelego to celebrate a successful dungeon run. This peaked Kurai's attention.

He inquired if they were willing to add him to their members, he's good at finding loot, he told them. While Zaki, the Pikipek, could smell a bit of trouble from the Sableye, he didn't mind. The rest of the party was also on board. The next day he got to work closing his shop indefinitely and hopping on the next ship to Ethovalon to register as Shinging Justice's newest recruit at the GCSF.

Kurai's chapter in the team was slowly coming to a close. His cravings for adventure had been fulfilled, he now wants to live a quiet life with Camilo.. While he departs, he doesn't completely cut ties with all his friends. He went back to his old job as a metalsmith jeweler and on occasion with will take commissions to make team medalions.

✦ TL,DR ✦

  • His parents were greedy nobles who owned a monopoly of jewelry shops. Kurai always felt like he would follow in their footsteps with the way he was raised.
  • Because his life was already planned ahead of him, he shirked his school responsibiites and flaunted his wealth. His parent's workers despised this.
  • Some of these workers banded together to protest peacefully, however, some had other plans and set to burn the manor down and take down the family with it.
  • Kurai escaped with many injuries. He didn't look back during his escape. His heart was heavy with anger and resentment towards his parents and himself.
  • He stowed away on a ship and after treating his injuries he was dropped off in Onekama, Spiral Archipelego.
  • He found a job as an apprentice for an old jeweler who adopted him as his own and they fell into a comfortable life together.
  • Made friends with a group of boys and caused mischief through the streets.
  • Old man passed away from illness, Kurai grew his jewelry shop and became popular.
  • After a few years, he saw Shiloh, Zaki, and Camilo at the bar and made conversation with them. They told him about the GCSF.
  • Kurai was hooked. Quickly took initiative to join Shining Justice after the team agreed to have him.
  • Kurai left the team on good spirits! He can be commissioned to make team medalions.


  • Making jewelery
  • Flirting
  • Spicy food
  • Causing mischief
  • Exploring
  • Training ✦ Working out
  • Reading books
  • Long walks at night
  • Caves


  • Arguments ✦ Fights
  • Sunny days ( hot )
  • Feeling alone
  • Being bossed
  • Lack of attention
  • Greed
  • Uncontrolled fire
  • Mistreatment
  • Himself :(


  • Sleeps very light sleeper after the attack against his family. He doesn't like dreaming about the flames.
  • The knife wound on his left eye left a discoloration, turning his striking blue pupil into a dark crimson with a black scler.
  • He's always been a bit on the taller side growing up, always dwarfing his classmates. His newfound friends seem to match his pace though.
  • i
  • can't
  • think
  • anymore


✦ HAIR COLOR ✦ bright lavender purple

✦ EYE COLOR ✦ right eye - icey blue ✦ left eye - black sclera, red pupil

✦ BODY TYPE ✦ ehehe


  • Left eye is covered by his bangs, rarely shows the scarred eye.
  • Can hold his alcohol very well.
  • He's 6'4 in human form, and stands at 1'8 in feral pokemon form.