


1 year, 9 months ago


Maple lives in a small cottage just on the outskirts of a rural forest. The forest seems to be in a perpetual Autumn state, a small layer of orange and red leaves always littering the forest floor, gently falling from the trees above day to day. The leaves always grow back with the same colors as before, falling to repeat the slow cycle evermore. Whatever magic keeps the forest this way is unknown, perhaps it's Maple's own presence that causes the forest to act this way. Whatever the reason, Maple prefers it this way.

Maple rarely leaves her little house in the woods unless to gather some supplies for her hobby: baking. Maple spends her days perfecting her recipes and making a living selling her goods to the locals in a nearby village. However, she doesn't work alone. Maple's baking abilities far exceed the normal, some might even say... magical. By shaping dough into the form of small animals, Maple is able to bring her work to life! Many small, doughy critters dot her kitchen, helping her with her many baking projects and keeping her company. In this way, Maple continues to live her quiet, simple little life. Content, and never truly alone! Her ultimate goal is to bring the joy of baking to the rest of the world around her!