Kate the Barn-Owl



1 year, 9 months ago


Kate. He/She. Bisexual. 

Kate the Barn-Owl is a mobian with a love of history who always seems to get the short end of the stick, both due to underestimation, being taken advantage of or not being properly utilized. Most notably working for Relic the Pika(Archie), Darling the Cat, Discord the Coyote, Julilette the Bunny(briefly) and later Tails. His parents were extremely overprotective of her growing up due to complications in Mobius. While well-meaning and loving, She was never fully able to spread her wings, causing him to growing a fear of flying as they wanted to keep him grounded. This fear would only grow as time went on, never being fully resolved as he would be infected with the Metal Virus (IDW) pretty early on as he refused to fly at all. Kate acts as more of a level headed character, often there to meditate in fighting rather than being directly in the battle field. He often butts heads with those around him, though usually bits his tongue - most notably with Jet the Hawk whose interactions with him are brief.
She is adopted, her dads are Nite the Owl and Don the Rooster :]