SRSF C. Needlemouse



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info


SRSF C. Needlemouse





Eye Color



3'3 - 4'0 (changes in order to look normal sized compared to other OCs, just think of the whole Mario and Sonic thing)

Creation Date (Not lore related)

(Roughly) 9/17/2014.


SRSF C. Needlemouse

Lmao look at this
Haha funny recolor hedgehog go brr
Mario pissing
Look Sophie! I'm in a wiki page!
― From me, SRSF!

SRSF C. Needlemouse is a golden colored hedgehog that bares a striking resemblance to a certain blue guy. But despite the appearance, he has his own life to live and works as a detective of the Freelance Police Department along with his pal, Aero.


In Canon

His canon appearance sports a more edgier, messier, and undone look compared to his SRSF Comics appearance. He lacks the hat and tie that he usually sports in the comics but not to worry, he'll earn it... Eventually.

In SRSF Comics

SRSF in the comics sports a much smoother, friendlier, more rounder look, and look! He has that Hat and Tie now! Told you he'd get it eventually.


In Canon

SRSF is sometimes the voice of reason, but is often goofy himself. Doing rather mundane things to get the job done. He can be snarky at times (Especially in his earlier arcs) but is usually a pretty friendly guy with a decently can-do attitude. He can get along pretty well with others. SRSF is also very observant with his surroundings, looking at every corner in his location to see if there's any oppurtunity for interaction, this would get him in the habit of aimlessly wandering around. In battle, he relies on his environment and some of his abilities to adapt to whatever his opponent can deliver to him. However, he'll take any oppurtunity to play some sort of trickster role on his foe and try to throw them off.

In SRSF Comics

idk he's funny now... Hey wait a minute, is that Spongebo-


Here's a basic rundown of his backstory, I guess.

SRSF's origin is unknown, but when he was little, and I mean "little" like a wee lil' lad, all there was in his family he would've known was him and his sister Sophie. Being the quiet one of the two. He would get separated at a young age all thanks to a giant ring he would encounter and then get transported in during a game of hide n seek, he would lose his memory during the process when he'd fall in face first to the new location. After he wakes up and adjusts to the world around him, He would learn how to talk by observing people communicate and going up to his local library learning how to read. He would also be taken into care by an old fella who runs a liquor mart.

With SRSF growing up, he would gain more of an attitude, but with his heart being in the right place. He would then go from place to place meeting all kinds of people, while making all kinds of new friends and enemies on the way. He would soon be reuinited with Sophie, his long lost sister and would meet Snow, his now friendly rival. His direction in life would begin to change when he solved a mystery in a casino which would later inspire him to persue a better life as a detective of the Freelance Police Association. From then on he went on to meet Aero, Balls, Jacob, Speedy. And that's the story of SRSF C. Needlemouse From snarky Vagabond to bumbling hero (- LeanmonsterVEVO)


wacky shit he can do

  • Hammer Space (he pulls shit outta nowhere with some limitations.)
  • He can use a trash can to travel as a whole ass ability, how does this man???
  • Oh yeah, and those perks of being a Male Mobian Hedgehog:TM: If you know, you know.
  • Did I mention that he has 4th Wall Awareness?


Regarding his placement and differences with Canon characters...

  • Like Sonic, SRSF is able to go fast. Unlike Sonic, SRSF uses it sparingly and is able to run out of breath. Speed is not this man's main focus.
  • His awareness for Sonic as a hero and a franchise does not go any farther than "The guy from the newspaper and cereal boxes."
  • The only interaction he had with a canon character is with Tails over a simple confusion when it came to his appearence. After clearing everything up, Tails gave SRSF an autograph as an apology for the mixup.
  • As a Detective, he knows alot more about Team Chaotix than he knows about Sonic. He also works in the same detective department as the titular characters from another franchise, Sam & Max.
  • SRSF is able to go super. But let's be real, he would NOT be laying his hands on an emerald anytime soon. Therefore, making it noncanon.

And now, the rest of the trivia.

  • SRSF was created back in 2014 as a multiplayer loadout used back in SRB2 2.0 and then as an OC used in the coding website, Scratch. He would finally get his name in 2017 and would go through multiple character rewrites in the following year as he was being used in RP. He would also get a design tweak by my good buddy @GyromiteVEVO to be further fleshed out.
  • SRSF is a total music lover. With some of his favorite artists including The Beatles, Cake, and Queen. (Despite the listed artists all being Rock/Alt-Rock, he likes alot of genres and it all boils down to what he's feeling today.) A true everyman isn't complete without a taste in music.
  • Following the topic of music, he likes to carry around a Walkman and has a dedicated daylist and nightlist. He would listen to these tracks whenever he's busy with something or wants to pass the time. The walkman also has a built in radio incase he wants a quick way to fill the silence.
  • SRSF still uses a pager/beeper.