
﹏⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩Basic Information⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩﹏

Current Name: Winterpaw
Previous Name(s): Winterkit
Nickname(s): Winter


Gender: She-cat


Age9 Moons

﹏⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩Professional Status⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩﹏

Current Clan: RiverClan
Previous Clan(s): N/A


Current Rank: Apprentice
Previous Rank(s): Kit


Current Mentor / Apprentice: Moonclaw
Previous Mentor(s) / Apprentice(s)

﹏⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩Familial Relationships⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩﹏

Biological Mother: Icestar
Biological Father: Stormrunner §Deceased§
Biological Brother(s): N/A
Biological Sister(s): N/A


Step-Mother: N/A
Step-Father: N/A
Half-Brother(s): N/A
Half-Sister(s): N/A


Adoptive Mother: Silverlake
Adoptive Father: N/A
Adoptive Brother(s): N/A
Adoptive Sister(s): N/A


Other Relative(s)N/A

﹏⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩Romantic Relationships⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩﹏

Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Single


Current Love Interest(s): Mint
Current Mate: N/A
Current Kit(s): N/A


Previous Love Interest(s): N/A
Previous Mate(s): N/A
Disowned Kit(s): N/A


Adopted Kit(s)N/A

﹏⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩Relationships: Extended⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩﹏

Icestar [played by: Fenrose_Auburn][3/10]
Due to her mother’s vast absence from her life--choosing to continue leading her Clan over caring for and nursing her only daughter--Winterkit feels little, if any, affection for Icestar. Refusing to call her ‘mother’ or even associate the leader with the familial rank. Deciding if Icestar can't care for her daughter, then she wouldn't care for her mother.
Ever since her father’s death--and the severe emotional storm that resulted from it--and the silence by the Clan about anything to do with Stormrunner, including his mate, Winterpaw’s relationship with her mother is severely strained, and any attempts on behalf of Icestar to reconcile their bond are often a failure. She resents her mother deeply--Icestar’s silence on her mate causing Winterpaw to believe she has forgotten her father, or worse, never cared about him.

Stormrunner [played by: Fenrose_Auburn][10/10]
Taking his mate’s place in his daughter’s life, Stormrunner and Winterkit had a very strong bond. He used all and created free time to spend with his kit. Stormrunner showed her the best places in camp to stargaze and sunbathe, taught her fun games to play with her denmates, and all the best fish to eat. He could cheer her up instantly just by visiting. Winterkit loved his stories the most. If she could, she’d have stayed up all day and night listening to them. It didn’t matter if they were legends of real or fake events or cats--the way he spoke and enraptured the vision was enough.
Upon his death, Winterkit became severely distressed. The only cat she could talk to was gravely ill--unable to be conscious for more than a few seconds--and she refused to acknowledge her mother in any way. Her Clanmates responded to this by becoming silent on the subject of Stormrunner. Especially Icestar, who was (wrongfully) afraid that mentioning her beloved mate would further sever what ties she had to her daughter.

Silverlake [played by: Fenrose_Auburn] [9/10]

Mint [played by: PixelDude][8/10]
Her first meeting with the tom was rather hostile, had it not been for her mentor it’s quite possible she could have attacked the ‘loner’. Though this was likely due to her determination to prove her dedication to her training and Clan. Unfortunately, it got worse, as while confronting Mint once again, Winterpaw had unknowingly missed the passing of their deputy. Who the apprentice found some affection for since he was rather kind toward her. Additionally, missing the chance to properly say goodbye to him before he was buried. Due to her past trauma from her father, the thought she didn’t say goodbye filled Winterpaw with great distress--and deflected her resentment toward Mint. Stubbornly, the tom had tried to make things right, which eventually paid off.
Oftentimes now, the molly is quite friendly with Mint, and many could hardly remember or believe that she had once hated the ‘loner’. Winterpaw has opened up substantially to Mint, confiding to him about her father and her strong hostility to canines. Additionally, have noticed a new side to the apprentice. Her temper isn’t as short and is even more open to friendships with her Clanmates.


Winterpaw is semi-social (ambivert), known for her bold, fiery, and fierce temper. With an occasional streak of impatience, and a short temper to boot. Despite this, She is a deeply loyal, hardworking (even overworking) apprentice. Because of peer pressure from denmates to be greater than her mother, she is a perfectionist. Since many know her history, is also very reserved, even distant, about herself.
Unfortunately, she is known to hold grudges. Seen with how cold and resentful she is with her mother, Icestar. Often dismissive and aloof despite her mother's attempts to reconnect. Some even say she is stubbornly determined to die despising her mother.
Winterpaw is very brilliant and clever when she isn't simmering with recklessness from her short temper. Sometimes coming up with sly techniques for training to better protect her Clanmates.
This has yet to be seen, but some speculate she has a very sweet, even shy side. Since meeting and being befriended by Mint, cats have noticed a new side to the apprentice. Her temper has lengthened and has opened a little more to befriending her other denmates.


Winterkit didn't grow up with her birth mother, instead being raised by Silverlake; a permanent queen. Unfortunately, since her mother was the RiverClan leader, there was little time she could give to her daughter. To make up for his mate's absence, her father spent all his free time with Winterkit—sometimes even going out of his way to create time. Because of this—being raised by another queen who was more doting than Icestar, and Stormrunner putting more effort than her own mother—Winterkit began to resent her as she aged, growing to decide that if Icestar can't care for her daughter, then she wouldn't care for her mother. After this revelation, her bond with her father and foster mother grew stronger.
Sadly, Winterkit and Stormrunner would not have much longer together.
A few days before Winterkit became an apprentice, her father was leading a dawn border patrol. Because he and his mate rarely got time together, Icestar joined him on the patrol. Unknown to them, a dog was on the loose—and was on the same path as the patrol. The vicious canine critically injured two of the cats, took a life from the leader, and most unfortunate: mauled Stormrunner and hardly left anything but the shells he wore in his ear.
Winterkit was in denial about her father's death, unable to believe them without irrefutable evidence. Later, she became distressed when there was no way to properly say goodbye to him. Even terrified he would not be able to go to StarClan if they couldn't give him a send-off.
This distress, with no one to talk to—Silverlake had a moon earlier became severely ill, unable to stay conscious for long, and far from being on speaking terms with her mother—manifested itself into an immense fear, external-and-self-loathing when she could not be there with those she loved or were fond of when they inevitably passed away.
Because of Winterpaw's intense refusal, agony, and grief of her father's death, the Clan suddenly stopped talking about Stormrunner around his daughter. She then was upset—more privately—at the thought that RiverClan forgot him.
Being the leader's daughter, and the apprentice of a blind but skilled warrior—Winterpaw was additionally under extreme pressure by her denmates to be just as if not greater than her mother. Her mistakes and actions were scrutinized heavily. This didn't mix well with her cold, aloofness with Icestar. On top of peer pressure, her mother tried to reconcile with Winterpaw; realizing quite late that her absence from her daughter's early kithood had done much harm.


Dad was a great cat…he could make anything into a game—...He once made a game out of just a fish's tail! Called it 'pin the fin', it was the silliest thing ever…” - Winterpaw reminiscing about her father to Mint.

“I'm glad you were the cat I could open up to about my dad.” - To Mint

We aren't born to be the physical preferences of our parents. No one is, and shouldn't ever be. - Main quote

But you are something. You don't need to compare your worth to your siblings. - To Mint

﹏⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩Voice Claim⬩⮜🟇⮞⬩﹏