Dew's Comments

What the actual hay, this design is beautiful 🤩 I can’t resist entering-so here’s my bit-

Name:  Sunkist

Age:  22 moons

Gender:  Female

Personality:  Calm, Sweet and Bubbly (very simple little lady!)

Relationships:  Dune (Elder Brother, a big inspiration to her)

Likes:  Sunkist loves spying on her brother and hearing stories of her parents and their adventures/battle stories.  She loves fruit and pork as well!  

Dislikes:  Although Sunkist enjoys a lot of things, she dislikes being startled and can end up crying due to her delicate soul and the stories she has heard of younger dragonettes being taken by rival tribes for their armies and as young mates.  

Backstory:  Sunkist grew up as a unique hatchling…  her parents died before she met them, but Dune raised her and filled her in on all their epic stories they had told him.  Sunkist was born with a rare “gift” as some call it…  her breath has a healing ability, as only a few dragons in the world are born with…  but not only that, but she also can have dancing fire.  A fire technique often used to make forms and characters for stories…  but as she continues to enhance her story-telling, she develops a strange sense for future-based stories…  stories that had not yet been told or written.  Many describe her as a fortune teller, but her “fortunes” haven’t always been correct, and she refuses to be considered a fortune teller.  She prefers the idea that she is just good at understanding situations and other’s behaviors to make a likely outcome, but then again, free will is another aspect.  Due to her gifts, her eyes have become a glowing blue with a black sclera, similar to her brother’s even though he doesn’t have gifts…  but- then again, perhaps he hasn’t figured it out yet.  

Name: Cactus or dandilion

age: 7

gender: masc

personality: a shy but brave risk taker

pronouns: they/them/he/him

family: unkown

friends: coral! 

accessories: a star earring 

story of how he met coral: he scrambled to the sand the water was far too cold! brr, he go cold even thinking of water when suddently he heard ¨what are you doing here?¨ he twisted his head to look and he saw stunning teal blue seawing for a moment his brain forgot how to work he finally muttered ¨my friends dared me to try to swim but they all left me after I reached the water...¨

why I want him:

I need more dragon (currently have 2-) ocs plus I LOVE SANDWINGS WITH A BURING passion and his design is just so pretty! id probably sketch him with coral a ton!(mewheheh gay dudes) also maybe write a few stories because I find it really fun too! ill try to make him a family and flushed out back story and I would just love to write him living his best life! (oo my brain juices are flowing i have so many ideas for him!! so many possible short stories!)

They’re so pretty!! I’ve been wanting a wof oc for so long and I have none at the moment. I’d probably develop them a whollleee lot and then use them for a roleplay since I’ve been planning to make one in the wof world for a while now. Thank you for the opportunity!!

Would differently use them as a partner for nightwatch and as a comfort oc. I know a lot of people have already commented but thank you for the chance and I hope this babe gets a good home!

Have an amazing day/night ^^

I rolled a generator and it landed on your name, so you get the character! I’ll transfer them over to you now, I hope you enjoy <33

Omg thank youuuuu!

Oh I'd love to claim this bby! Their design is so pretty :0 my friend and I both really like WoF and it'd be a perfect gift for them!! ^^ 

They're so pretty and would be my first sandwing <3 

I would totally incorporate them into a story and definitely use them all the time <3

may i claim? they’d be great to fit into my seawings storyline 

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