
Luther, Steampunk Pirate




  • Luther, inventor and pirate
  • eats, sleeps and breathes steampunk, has a heavy british accent
  • loves to invent the most useless and complicated gadgets
  • stole a ship once, attached a hot air balloon to it
  • spends most of his time on his air ship and travels the world
  • or just back and forth from the landfill to his place
  • loves making up stories about his adventures... at least you think they're made up when you hear them
  • loves clinging to stuff with his vine tail and just hang around
  • has a weird music taste (why bagpipes and banjos?? why is there a coocoos clock?)
  • travelling because he's searching for a special place, the place he thinks he originally is from
  • he mentions pirates and fae a lot, but it appears he might just be a lunatic
  • tho there is the possibility that he's from the Neverlands
  • and that he is either a Lost Boy or one of the Pans (fae like creatures who "abduct" children)