


2 years, 16 days ago



Basic information:
His name is a synthesis of three things. Ver- from the word Verde which is green in Spanish which is also a reference to my mun name Vert. Vert also means green, but in french. The loz part is from a section of my actual name. Qoxion sounds like coction when said outloud which is part of the word concoction. In reference to the method used when Verloz has to put down grubs. More on that later. The Q replacing the C and the X replacing the CO in coction is once again a reference to my actual name.

Role in society:
Just like all jade bloods, Verloz Role is in the caverns. He was given a role to something akin to a geneticist. He has to look at the gene maps of the grubs being born and has to record any and all mutations. If a mutation that is deemed too "dangerous" pops up, then it is Verloz's job to feed the grub a strong poison to end it's life.

Verloz quirk is fairly simple and very honest once someone discovers how it works. His quirk works with blood types, he adds a "+" or "-" after the letters A,B,and O. What the letter ends with depends on how Verloz feels about the topic being talked about.
Ex: "Nice to+ meet yo+u!"
The plus means that he's happy to meet you. Now look at this
Ex: "Nice to- meet yo-u!"
Its a positive message, but it has minuses because he actually isn't happy about meeting you. He is hiding his true feelings. So a friend would eventuality be able to tell exactly what he's feeling.

Lusus: Beetlemom
His luses is 2 beetles combined into one. A stag beetle and a drug store beetle combined. I went with a stage beetle because they have huge pincers that I thought would fit the whole trolls having horns thing. I chose the drug store beetle for two reasons. First the name is a reference to that poison I referenced earlier that Verloz feeds to mutated born grubs. The second reason is that the drug store beetle has a second name and that name is the "bread beetle" which is perfect since Verloz likes bread!