


1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info






TW dark themes

Physical abuse, Force feeding


Gina Hazama











  • Tier 1 (free)
  • Locked 6sp
  • Locked 6sp


  • Because of his speech impediment he has a personal crow trained to repeat what he whispers.
  • Sometimes the crow mixes up the sentences or speaks it's own mind.
  • The crows name is percy


  •  Gina excels at adapting to battle situations as he's been through many rough spars with his half siblings and their own styles.
  •  His own personal preference is speed and precision.
  •  Attacks coming from him tend to be firm.


Gina's persona is generally the same when it comes to most things. He has an unchanging personality, no positives or negatives. He is almost fully incapable of making his own decisions, leaving it to his father full time. He has no spirit, purely focusing on what Hashira, the squad leaders, and clients order him to do.

A monotone voice rarely higher than a whisper led most of his fellow slayers away from him, causing him to have a low rep within the corps. Although Gina doesn't have much of a personality, his most particular trait is his combat-driven mind, which is assumed to be gained by his clan. Despite his surname, he may not be like what you initially thought if you take a closer look.

Physically he seems to be a hard working person, always a bit battered up and in rare cases nearly fainting. Most of the time he is exhausted, but sometimes perks up a bit when is comes to percy.


Outfit - He wears an average demon slayer uniform with a black haori with two thin red stripes at the end of the sleeves, a golden colored inside, accompanied by bandages that hold a medicinal substance. A kitsune mask that ends at the mouth, with red paint on the base of the nose and the tips of the ears, yellow painted in the form of a 'wing' (triangle) at the back of the eyes, and the same for the inner ear, ending with a red and yellow rope to wear the mask. Red-colored footwear along with yellow straps with a thick horizontal red line in the middle.

Physical - Gina has dark, blue-tinted long hair, usually in a low ponytail. His hair beautifully contrasts with his brighter cyan-blue eyes. Although his hair is quite on the softer side of texture, his skin seems more roughly tattered and bruised. Gina has a more balanced build than many, although he likes to lean towards speed and agility when possible in combat.

Stands at 5'5" and weighs 94 lbs



It started with his father, hiring 3 poor women to give birth to 3 children. Two of the women had a single baby, and one of them had twins, but the other twin did not make it. Two boys and one girl, one of the boys being Gina. Their purpose was to work, for their father to climb the ranks and earn respect. For that to happen, they started the brutal side of training at the young age of four, while from age 1-3 was all about physical strength. Childhood, they never knew. They trained countless hours a day. If they weren't training, they were being treated for wounds inflicted by their father or being taught more basic knowledge like speech. In order to survive, they were required to do what they were told. If not, things would end badly, like on one specific night.


------------->HEAVY TW

He was exhausted and severely bruised from his father's attacks. Despite trying his best to cut the target in the way he was being taught, he still got hit for every minor mistake he made. He didn't understand why his father had the smallest reason to toss him around like he did. All he knew was that any mistake would lead to a beating if it didn't satisfy his father. He was sick of it, but it was time to go inside for the nasty-tasting combination of herbs and meat, so he had a break to think about it. He decided he wouldn't take it anymore. He was tired of these pent-up feelings and the abuse. He was so sick of it, but in that hatred, his mind was tangled. Gina forgot something; he was only 9 and couldn't just win against his older father without some skill or planning at the very least. His grip tightened on the bowl he held in front of him as a wave of impulse rushed through him. He shoved the bowl away, knocking into other dishes before he exclaimed: "I'm tired of this trashy food and I'm not doing this anymore!" something that he would regret for many years to come. A burst of anxiety left him completely paralyzed as his father simultaneously grabbed the bowl and stomped over to him, grabbing his throat, causing Gina to gasp for air. His father took the opportunity to shove the bowl on his face a bit too hard, making the thinly carved wooden bowl crack into pieces, a few chunks falling into Gina's mouth. He gagged, but was forced to swallow the food along with any wooden pieces in his mouth, which ended up severely cutting his throat up. He never went through any sort of fit after the experience, could anyone blame him though?


Near the end of their training, his half-sister was assigned as a bodyguard and his half-brother was assigned as a mercenary, while he was assigned to be a demon slayer. Their father each gave them varying jobs to gain as much status as possible, each of their mothers being their personal 'manager' of sorts. Unfortunately breathing techniques were a sort of a last-minute thing before the final selection, so he still occasionally goes back to train with the hired master.


Recently his father set him on a general mission for information regarding demons, the more work he puts into the end of demons, the more his father could possibly be paid and gain higher status.



img credit || code by icecreampizzer