




Level: Champion/Adult
Family: Nature Spirit, Nightmare Soldier
Attribute: Virus

When a Nekomatamon falls into dispare they become a Bakenekomon. A solitary digimon by nature, they tend to avoid others, afriad of making bonds as their last one ended so badly. Very rarely they'll be seen in the company of the usually equally as solitary Okurimon. Due to their fall into sin they were stripped of their Holy Bells and resorted to the power of darkness to survive away from their former shrine, resulting in their new virus typing. Through their new abilties they've honed the use of a ghostly blue flame that they coat their claws with for their signature move, Spectral Slash.

It's said that if one earned the alligence of a Bakenekomon they make for stedfast and loyal partners, defending what they consider theirs with a furocity unlike it's previous forms.

Previous Forms

In-Training: Nyankomon

Baby: Kittmon

Rookie/Child: Nekomatamon

Evolves To

Alternate Form: Catbukimon

Ultimate/Perfect: TBA

Mega/Ultimate: TBA