


1 year, 9 months ago



"i want to fly away"

Nimbus is someone who dreams of going to the big city someday even if he really likes the tranquility of his village. He acts like a reckless teenager a lot of the time, always putting himself in sticky or danger situations for having acted without thinking first. He is very lively and can talk for hours about various subjects that he finds interesting.

He lives on a high hill just outside his village, where he reports the weather on his radio, but most of the time you'll find him on top of the rooftops trying to get a good signal for his little tablet.


Name Nimbus
Age Young adult
Gender Male (he/they)
Species cat bird hybrid
Birthday March 22
Height 1,68
Orientation In doubt
Occupation weather reporter

  • rainy or sunny days
  • letter stamps, he has a collection
  • hot chocolate
  • yellow flowers

  • cloudy/gray days, he finds them a little depressing
  • get electrical or thunderstorms shocks, although both often occur
  • When he can't hide his feelings bc of their hability


  • He is known in the village for not hiding his feelings very well, mainly because his clouds give him away, forming a rain cloud when he is sad, fog when nervous or ashamed, rainbow when happy, etc. When that happens he tries to shoo them away
  • His dad was a mailman, so he has some patterns on his body that resemble that.
  • His wings are thermal and can change color, he often uses this to form maps that help him study the weather. He also has the ability to create holograms, which he uses to determine the locations where will be rain, sun or, in more dangerous cases, tornadoes and hurricanes
  • his tail is based a bit on a windsock
  • When he was little and he still couldn't control his abilities he almost died when he was hit by thunder, now he doesn't take as many risks when being hit by one but it still hurts a lot

Design Notes

  • The inside of his wings can be any kind of a weather report, or normal gray
  • The tail and ears usually have some cloud fragments.
  • the little tablet on their scarf can be emojis or writing



Music Box